Pardon me, conservatives and patriots, for kicking one of your sacred cows in its unction-oozing udders rather than drinking with you of the morally curdled milk of maudlin supportiveness for veterans of unjust wars. But heed my words, you may one day genuinely rue heaping so much honor and hero-worshipful validation on "the troops" and veterans when they're used to beat down the sort of anti-government dissent that many of you like to express online. Yes, today's popularly lionized legionnaires of American liberty and apple pie very well might become tomorrow's jackbooted enforcers of the plutocracy at home, very much the way they often are abroad.
Well, increasingly the military and our para-militarized police are trained and indoctrinated with an orientation that gears them to be readily pressed into service domestically to defend the power structure against their fellow citizens should mass uprisings ever occur. Should such an eventuality ever develop, well, their training will just take over and they'll switch on the amoral automatic pilot of professionalism, inflicting urban "shock and awe" to reinstate "order". Mm-hmm, the next time you see a hero cop interviewed on the news give a critical listen to his explanation of his ability to function fearlessly in the face of danger as being merely a matter of allowing his training to "kick in" (this is what they usually say). That's all well and good when it mentally equips a peace officer to deal with a gun-wielding felon, but police and military personnel who've been conditioned by their training to turn off their humanity and be robotically effective at "crowd control" should scare the bleep out of anyone who values our natural right to rebel against the repressive powers that be.
Of course long before military personnel were drilled to function like inhumanly detached flesh & blood crowd-controlling robocops for the state and the ruling class, they on more than one historical occasion demonstrated a chilling willingness to turn their weapons on their fellow Americans, i.e. the people they were sworn to protect. For instance, during the Great Depression when Hoovervilles began to spring up, ole heartless Herbie Hoover sent in the troops, against tent communities populated by ordinary homeless men and women (and, I might add, largely by WW1 veterans) and they proceeded to brutally disperse the residents, including their former brothers-in-arms (As one war hero commented, "We were heroes in 1917, but we're bums now."; yep, it's one of life's poetic little ironies that today's praised & pedestaled American veterans can find the ole U.S. military-issue jackboot on the back of their own necks tomorrow.). My point, it's happened before and can certainly happen again. Bear that in mind when you're elevating military personnel and veterans up above all reproach.
(And no, don't give me too much credit for keeping this one relatively short, as this was really just an addendum to my previous post, not a new post in its own right.)

Well, increasingly the military and our para-militarized police are trained and indoctrinated with an orientation that gears them to be readily pressed into service domestically to defend the power structure against their fellow citizens should mass uprisings ever occur. Should such an eventuality ever develop, well, their training will just take over and they'll switch on the amoral automatic pilot of professionalism, inflicting urban "shock and awe" to reinstate "order". Mm-hmm, the next time you see a hero cop interviewed on the news give a critical listen to his explanation of his ability to function fearlessly in the face of danger as being merely a matter of allowing his training to "kick in" (this is what they usually say). That's all well and good when it mentally equips a peace officer to deal with a gun-wielding felon, but police and military personnel who've been conditioned by their training to turn off their humanity and be robotically effective at "crowd control" should scare the bleep out of anyone who values our natural right to rebel against the repressive powers that be.
Of course long before military personnel were drilled to function like inhumanly detached flesh & blood crowd-controlling robocops for the state and the ruling class, they on more than one historical occasion demonstrated a chilling willingness to turn their weapons on their fellow Americans, i.e. the people they were sworn to protect. For instance, during the Great Depression when Hoovervilles began to spring up, ole heartless Herbie Hoover sent in the troops, against tent communities populated by ordinary homeless men and women (and, I might add, largely by WW1 veterans) and they proceeded to brutally disperse the residents, including their former brothers-in-arms (As one war hero commented, "We were heroes in 1917, but we're bums now."; yep, it's one of life's poetic little ironies that today's praised & pedestaled American veterans can find the ole U.S. military-issue jackboot on the back of their own necks tomorrow.). My point, it's happened before and can certainly happen again. Bear that in mind when you're elevating military personnel and veterans up above all reproach.
(And no, don't give me too much credit for keeping this one relatively short, as this was really just an addendum to my previous post, not a new post in its own right.)