Vaccine manufacturer withdraws covid vaccine from market as lawsuits mount

What are you saying, that Biden did not hire more lawyers to deal with a surge in vaccine damage cases? Can you prove Newsweek lied about that?
I never said that. You did just then.
It's not up to Biden to hire lawyers. It's Faucis mob who arrange that. Nothing to do with Biden. He is not responsible.
You read things you believe are true and you comment on those things or post those things just like me. You do not prove beyond doubt that everything you think and say is abosutely irrefutably true. In fact, you rarely ever try to prove anything you claim.
So you believe things are true because they sgree with your bigotry without validating them lol
Typical right wing *****
I never said that. You did just then.
It's not up to Biden to hire lawyers. It's Faucis mob who arrange that. Nothing to do with Biden. He is not responsible.
Then we agree. The article stands undebunked in saying that the Biden administration has been forced to hire more lawyers due to a rise in vaccine injury cases.
So you believe things are true because they sgree with your bigotry without validating them lol
Typical right wing *****
If I disagree with something you post then I will likely post my reasons for disagreeing. If you disagree with an article I post then you are free to present your arguments in opposition to that article.
Then we agree. The article stands undebunked in saying that the Biden administration has been forced to hire more lawyers due to a rise in vaccine injury cases.
Sure more cases of course doesn't mean there are more problems or more causal injuries since anyone can file paperwork
If I disagree with something you post then I will likely post my reasons for disagreeing. If you disagree with an article I post then you are free to present your arguments in opposition to that article.
Nope burden of proof is on those making claims. You really need to pay more attention
Then we agree. The article stands undebunked in saying that the Biden administration has been forced to hire more lawyers due to a rise in vaccine injury cases.
I haven't got a clue what Faucis mob is doing or if your story is correct. You have a habit of lying so it's hard to take you seriously.
What I said and maintain, is Biden is not responsible for hiring lawyers as you've said.
That aside, I'll bet the people who are taking action are trailer park drug addicts who hate authority like you, have taken the bait to sue someone. It happens all the time. It will fail so mark my words.
I haven't got a clue what Faucis mob is doing or if your story is correct. You have a habit of lying so it's hard to take you seriously.
What I said and maintain, is Biden is not responsible for hiring lawyers as you've said.
That aside, I'll bet the people who are taking action are trailer park drug addicts who hate authority like you, have taken the bait to sue someone. It happens all the time. It will fail so mark my words.
I post a report you cannot refute so you call me a liar for posting the report. That does not make sense. If the report is a fake and not real you should be able to prove that, otherwise you make a huge mistake by calling me a liar.
I post a report you cannot refute so you call me a liar for posting the report. That does not make sense. If the report is a fake and not real you should be able to prove that, otherwise you make a huge mistake by calling me a liar.
I've caught you lying a hundred times and you know it.
You said Bidens administration is employing lawyers etc. Biden's administration is doing nothing of the sort. It is not his job. You said it to justify your pathetic belief that Biden is responsible.
It was Trump who hurried the production of the vaccines because he knew it would affect the election, and it did. He lost.

You also said the cases were piling up as if there's a tsunami of litigation. Bullshyt. I'd be surprised if theres 10 Magas wanting a payout.

I don't have to prove anything about the report. I only have to prove you wrong which is far more important to me than anything else.
I intent to do you slowly until the election and make a complete fool out of you and everything you stand for.
I've caught you lying a hundred times and you know it.
You said Bidens administration is employing lawyers etc. Biden's administration is doing nothing of the sort. It is not his job. You said it to justify your pathetic belief that Biden is responsible.
I posted a news story to that effect but the fact that you call me a liar for saying what the authors of the news account said instead of me shows ignorance on your part.

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