As top gun notes, it was the US's decision to install nukes in Poland that ramped up this action. The US needs to get completely over the idea that it is allowed to do whatever and the world isn't allowed to take action to prevent it. The days when the US was an unquestioned power for good are gone and you can thank GWB for about 80% of that.
First of all, the US did not
decide to put missiles in Poland. Poland asked us to do so.
Second of all, the proposed placement is about 10 interceptor missiles in Poland and a radar tracking station in the Czech Republic. There was nothing nuclear about it, further these missiles will not even be in place until 2011 to 2013.
Third of all, in terms of credibility with Europe (and yes we still have it), we have no choice but to put interceptors in Eastern Europe. How can we credibility extend a deterrent to anyone if we are not willing to actually enact measures to carry out that deterrent?
Fourth of all, Russia already responded to Poland in Georgia and Venezuela, so the whole idea that these are in response to Poland is outrageous. The idea that you scrap plans to disband a division of ICBM's because of 10 interceptors and a radar station is lunacy.
Now I am not surprised Russia is upset over this, but the idea that we should back down from protecting our strategic interests because they are upset is ridiculous.
Finally, the idea that we can "negotiate" down from this is wishful thinking. Russia open states they are not our friend. We are being pushed out Europe because we will not call Russia on this. Russia moves missiles in so we abandon Eastern Europe? I think not.
Smells like the Cuban Missile Crisis logic to me. Russia puts in missiles, so we cave on security promises and pull missiles out of Turkey. The Cuban Missile Crisis was a net loss for the US.