US ambassador 'killed in Libya'. US consulate Benghazi stormed. 4 US officials "dead"

I don't believe that is true. There has always been the free loaders without any decision making capability or any sense of responsibility. The MSM wants the citizens of this Country to believe that is the majority today but, it is not.

Now, if amnesty is passed, giving these free loaders the open ability to vote, then this may be the case. It will not be that Americans don't care, it will be that the free loaders simply out number the voting citizens that do.

Americans do care and do want to see this regime held accountable for it's illegal actions and policies. However, that's not the way it works in a Marxist regime that is not bound by the US Constitution.

Id like to believe that but November of last year looks to have shown that the scales tipped.
Steve, no they won't. FOX is the only one that's kept this story alive. All the others want it to go away. It's making their guy look bad.

What if Bush was still President huh? And this happen on his watch? You think NBC,CBS,ABC,CNN or MSNBC would keep quiet?
I am sure people are scared. Look how many people have mysteriously died under this regime. Hopefully, they will stand up and be protected.

Also, it is not just about this regime abandoning these Americans and leaving them to die. The regime also openly, knowingly and intentionally lied to the American people about the events leading up to the attacks.

Pray for accountability!

once upon a time a free press would see to it that whistleblowers would survive to blow whistles.

freedom of the press was about more than reading the boxscores and funny pages.
What if Bush was still President huh? And this happen on his watch? You think NBC,CBS,ABC,CNN or MSNBC would keep quiet?

Of course they would be broadcasting this everyday 24/7 if it was Bush. Republican's are the enemy of the leftist, Marxst media. It's their job to destroy their enemies and protect their own guy. They got Obama elected and it's important for them to keep him proped up.
Did we ever find out about this, or was it swept under the rug too?

Obama Administration Replaces Top Generals Following Benghazi Disaster

The information I heard today was that General [Carter] Ham as head of Africom received the same e-mails the White House received requesting help/support as the attack was taking place. General Ham immediately had a rapid response unit ready and communicated to the Pentagon that he had a unit ready.
General Ham then received the order to stand down. His response was to screw it, he was going to help anyhow. Within 30 seconds to a minute after making the move to respond, his second in command apprehended General Ham and told him that he was now relieved of his command.

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