Universal Basic Income - a Marxist idea supported by Americans with little or no understanding of business and economics

How about the 28 billion farmers are getting from the treasury and still voting for Trump?
Tell those parasite farmers to leave the country.
I support eliminating all funding fraud and waste no matter which special interest groups or individuals are profiting from the schemes and scams.
I support eliminating all funding fraud and waste no matter which special interest groups or individuals are profiting from the schemes and scams.
Wow that's very impressive and courageous stand you're taking there LOL it's a shame you don't support Being a Patriot and not spreading lies about a stolen election without credible proven evidence
Let's see: are there any historical parallels to this "Marxist" idea?
I think that basic universal income is pretty much the way that Jesus and his merry band of disciples got paid.
The ones that were best at begging did the begging and the one they trusted the most to be fair (I assume Jesus), distributed the food, clothes and whatever equally. There are no reports that any of them complained about the arrangement.

Robin Hood also claimed a similar system. We were told (incorrectly, it turns out) that Jesse and Frank James did something similar.
At present, the government supports the blind, the lame and other disabled people. It also supports the wives and children of soldiers killed while in the military. I am certainly not saying that they should NOT do this. The Nazis tended to simply kill people they called "useless eaters".

But still, it's this a form of partial socialism?