UN Finds Credible Ties Between ISIS And Israeli Defense Forces


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2013
UN Finds Credible Ties Between ISIS And Israeli Defense Forces
Posted on March 12, 2015by friendsofsyria

Benjamin Netanyahu visiting wounded ISIS terrorists

So goes the famous line from George Orwell’s novel 1984. And so, too, can our forces today claim over a number of groups we find in the Middle East. In many ways, the enemy of my enemy is my friend when dealing with the Middle East, and in the battle between ancient tribal groups, when you lack an enemy, sometimes you need to make one.

In a new report from the UN, it is revealed that the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) weremaintaining regular contact with members of the so-called Islamic State since May of 2013. Initial reports from the IDF stated that this was only for medical care for civilians, but that story fell apart when the UN observers identified direct contact between IDF forces and ISIS soldiers, including giving medical care to ISIS fighters. Observations even included the transfer of two crates from the IDF to ISIS forces, the contents of which have not been confirmed at this time. Further the UN report identified what the Syrians label a crossing point of forces between Israel and ISIS, a point of concern brought before the UN Security Council. This report from the UN strengthens the claims by the Syrian regime that Israel is heavily involved in operations within the nation.

This is part of a continuing pattern of Israeli support for the Islamic State. It was only two months ago that Israel attacked Syrian forces in opposition to ISIS forces. Israeli attacks even killed an Iranian military adviser for the Syrian military just two weeks ago. The U.S.’s financing of ISIS, part of the effort against Syrian president Assad, is well documented, as well. That the efforts to undermine the Assad regime were in turn strengthening the same terrorist group which recently set a Jordanian pilot on fire to set an example is conveniently ignored by the higher up military command.

When the United States began operations against ISIS, Israeli high command seemed reluctant to give any support and called the move a mistake. The support of ISIS fits in with Israeli concerns in the region, namely that of Syria and Iran, and U.S. opposition to ISIS has put the United States in the awkward position of once again arming the enemies we will be fighting tomorrow.

Syria and Iran both pose a threat to Israel with their sizable conventional forces and political clout in the region, in much the same way Iraq was before the elimination of Saddam Hussein. With the toppling of Saddam, pieces of concern remain, and Israel appears to still maintain the old axiom that the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Supporting ISIS for Israel enables them to eliminate two issues at once, only once Syria is no longer a concern — a move which would in turn neutralize Iranian influence in the region — Israel then would turn its attention to ISIS, bolstered by other anti-ISIS forces from Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the United States. That would take several more years, however, during which time ISIS would continue to grow in both size and power. By the time they turn their attention to ISIS, it is quite possible that ISIS would have toppled the nations which Israel is counting on for support of such an operation. Too little, too late.

Traditionally such groups as ISIS have relied upon Saudi Arabia for support, but Saudi money is conspicuously absent from ISIS coffers. Unlike groups before, ISIS has gone self-financed, relying upon prostitution, slavery and oil for its financial well-being. This, in turn, removes the protections which Saudi Arabia has relied upon for almost a century to prevent such organizations from turning on the House of Saud and potentially conquering the kingdom which is now in the sights of the Islamic State.

In turn, the ISIS forces have all but forced the Kurds to become a mighty force unto themselves, much to the anger of neighboring Turkey. Rather than helping to fight ISIS, Turkey is instead attacking the forces standing in opposition to ISIS. The entire situation has spiraled out of control.

In effect, there is no side to support here, as each side is being supported at once in opposition to the other side. By enabling the creation of ISIS, we have taken an already unstable situation and poured gasoline over it. Now we are facing a true threat, not from ISIS or Iran or Syria, but against our own arrogance. We have been blinded to the death and destruction created by our actions in the Middle East.

We once were respected throughout the region, as neutral peacebrokers, the nation which oversaw the breakup of the Barbary pirates and a country which became eternal friends with the people of Iran when all of Europe ignored them. Now we are Israel’s expected muscle, to carry out their dirty work in an effort to destabilize the region and de-power those the tiny nation views as a threat. They will support anyone, if it meets a short-term goal, even if the result is a plot more complex and ridiculous than an episode of “Passions. This can, and will cost them long-term.

The United States cannot be party to this. Whatever the political and economic cost, the U.S. must disengage from all sides in the Middle East, before it is too late.
jIm415, I agree that Israel present leadership would prefer ISS to Iran control of Syria and Iraq. This is why the West should be careful of getting involve in these wars,. Every side has its own agenda. Extremist will never get the west want they want despite some religious right support for Israel. The newly elected leadership of Israel is opposed to any Palestine state and this will cause more conflict and deaths.
The Israelis are simple Nazis, and control all too many American Jews through the bullying of AIPAC. The Middle East is, as Aus22 says, enough of a hate-cauldron without other countries supporting these evil childmurdering buggers occupying Palestine, whom all decent people detest,
I love how the representatives of billions of peopled ruled by despots are so threatened by 6 million people who are just trying not to become extinct.
When the six Million are in your area and prevent you from settling in peace backed by the world's greatest power you would feel threatened .
While I am opposed To Israel present leadership I would not call them Nazis.

Well, they come from the same origins in racist German nationalism, and Hitler is their model for a racist 'Volk'. I call them Nazis the way their supporters call them 'democrats', to make a point, but the point is right, on the whole - they are much closer to the Nazis than any other serious political movement now in existence, murderous, colonising racists.
Well, they come from the same origins in racist German nationalism, and Hitler is their model for a racist 'Volk'. I call them Nazis the way their supporters call them 'democrats', to make a point, but the point is right, on the whole - they are much closer to the Nazis than any other serious political movement now in existence, murderous, colonising racists.
You seem to be the racist here! Israel owns one tiny corner of the Middle East, and the Arabs, and their sympathizers cannot sleep at night because of it! Who the hell cares what the UN says or thinks? I will agree that we have been far too cute in our engagement with Middle Eastern affairs, but Israel has a right to exist. There are no Palestinian people! There are people who live in Palestine. Why do they have a right to be there, but the Israelis do not? I'm really curious about your thinking on this.
I would like to point out here that there is a difference between ISIS and ISIL. The US seems to be having more trouble with ISIL and has even funded ISIS if I am not mistaken. I'm pretty sure that the forces in Mexico that we are looking for are ISIL forces as well. I'm not saying that ISIS is not a issue to be concerned with. What I am saying is I believe ISIL to be the bigger of the threats to our national security. And to be frank, I'm not loosing any sleep over either one of them. This is a big nation. We have little to fear from these sand rebels.
Conspiracy theorists have been spreading rumors around that Israel and the U.S helped create ISIS. For once maybe they knew something . . .

Anyway, I think that the Israelis seeing that they could get rid of their enemy, Assad, once and for all, they chose to secretly work with ISIS.

It's reported that some ISIS fighters were treated by Israeli doctors.

Not long ago, the Iraqis accused the U.S government of arming ISIS. Whether this accusation was true or not we'll never know because the Western media didn't even try to dig further to ascertain its veracity.

It appears like the U.S and Israel are all working with ISIS for some reason. I suspect that it's because they desire that the unrest in the Middle East spreads even further that we won't see an end to ISIS any time soon.
This all serves to prove that at bottom, we are all human and a common thread connects all of us. I am an optimist and therefore deliberately chosen to concentrate on the positive side of things. I find it strange that humans belonging to a common species and with cognitive and rational capabilities cannot coexist. It is also strange that people who don't know or even seen each other are busy consigning each other to the grave.
There's been rumours around for a long time now that ISIS was practically created by the west, like a secret army that we conscripted to fight our enemies in the middle east, but without actually having any links to us of course.

While this kind of reasoning seems far fetched, these days nothing would surprise me. The fact that what's commonly known now as the biggest threat to the west was actually created by the west seems absurd to some but it's looking increasingly more likely to be true.