The time for the USA to stop paying to fix world problems for free i.its reasonable to expect some form of compensation. In the days of old when men were men kingdoms had to pay a tribute to higher Kings for the safety of the people and to prevent Wars this was common practice and it was also backed up by the use of marriage common practices and marriage make no sense to liberals
zelensky's body language and facial gestures say it all...

"i am dealing with a mental patient here"

comrade stalin
Sitshizpants is quite obviously Putin's personal doormat and asswipe.
Trump is an effing psychopath and needs to be in PRISON. Like, Yesterday.
"nope your dealing with a REAL American man as president .No more liberal door mats."

if you define a real american man as a draft-dodging, self-obsessed, philandering bully, then i am alright with that...

note that frump did not have the balls to confront zelensky, needing the presence of his pet toad, jim bowman to help
him with the very bad manners and attempted ambush..

i have never been a fan of zelensky but full marks to him standing up to the dynamic duos' lies, gaslighting and threats..

time for frump to put in an large order for some choice russian prostitutes from putin..

comrade stalin
It basically came down to blackmail and Trump thought he could bully him.
Remember, zelensky stood up to trump over his withholding of legislated aid to Ukraine which resulted in trumps impeachment.
They gave me er been friends and trumps hate boiled over and he lost.

Let's say zelensky loses the war. Putin gets the spoils and Trump gets nothing. It could be Trump has to defend Ukraine for that reason, deal or not.

The aid given to Ukraine was legislated so is under no obligation to be repaid in minerals or otherwise. It's blackmail from Trump and zelensky basically called him out in it.
Trump will not push this guy around.

It was Biden who tried to bully Ukraine by withholding aid. No memory?
