U.S. Embassy In London Warns Americans To “Keep A Low Profile”

Is that why Trump praises Putin and says the United States has been stupid and foolish, to make the "bed wetting liberals here in the United States squeal?"

That's an interesting turn of phrase, given the unsubstantiated rumors about Trump and bed wetting prostitutes, isn't it?
You should be afraid.

Trump is coming for your Social Security check .....

To give to Putin to help raise the old Soviet Union.

Joe Scarborough said so ....
The dossier? That's what excuses the president of the United States telling the world we've been stupid and foolish? The friggin' president of the United States, the one who wants (he says) to put America first? Holy crap.
LMAO ....

Gotta love these hair on fire liberals.

How about you quote in context what the President actually said.
I guess we'd have to ask the British, who really took no part in the US election.
Or, we could ask the Russians, who did.
Or, maybe those liberal alt righters in Charlottesville could shed some light on the subject.

I am recently returned from a visit to a British overseas territory and found the people to extremely friendly and welcoming.