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- Dec 16, 2007
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Many on the left would have you believe that the Republican Party is the party of Tyranny. That George W. Bush has some nefarious scheme to take over this country and subjigate the people. They claim that 911 was an inside job designed to place the country into a state of fear where upon he could take away the people's rights. They want to draw comparisons between the Reichstag fire in Berlin which was followed by mass killings, and roundups of dissidents of the new "Reich".
My question for you is....would it be more plausible in America for a "Hitler" type power grab to occur where the people are quickly subjigated? Or would it be more feasible for a slow but steady dillusion of the people's rights till one day the frog wakes up and he finds himself cooked in the boiling water?
How did Hitler grab power? He used the Democratic political system of Germany, combined with strong-arm tactics to gain a modest amount of power. He told the people what they wanted to hear, he promised them everything. He appealed to their fears of a people who were nationalists, a once proud nation now struggling with un-employment, inflation, and national security. Once he had been elected, he consolidated his power through intimidation, murder and mayhem.
Can conservatives follow this model and be successful? Is this really what George W. Bush has been doing as many on the left contend?
Personally I think all the hyperbole from the left is nothing but a smoke screen to destroy the Republican party by creating a state of fear amongst the people.
What would it take to impose tyranny on this country?
First, you need an ignorant people. This has been acheived with relatively good success. Government schools are dumbing down the masses till they have no reasoning skills, they don't understand Government, and most importantly they don't understand the Constitution.
Second, you need to dis-arm the people. The Founders recognized the dangers of Tyrannical government and gave provision to the people to arm themselves. This right was narrowly affirmed last week in a 5-4 vote. Four Supreme Court Justices thought that the people did not have a right to bear arms! This should be a wake-up call.
Third, Freedom of Speech must be controlled. There are several ways that this is being instituted in a slow, creeping loss to our Freedoms.
Hate-Speech laws are silencing a number of topics that the left disagrees with.
Political correctness limits areas of discussion for fear that people will be offended.
Suppression of free-flow of information on talk radio through the "Fairness Doctrine".
The Internet will be regulated through either taxation, or fairness, or some other ruse to take away the free-flow of ideas.
Finally, you need a closed and controlled political system in which the people have the illusion of picking leaders that represent themselves. Over the course of the last 50 years the two major parties have stacked the deck so that no one else can compete. The two parties have been moving towrds each other, while drifting further to the political left. Voting laws are structured, debates are structured, sound-bites are orchestrated, the whole system has failed the American people at finding the best candidate. It is structured to maintain power in the hands of the "Elites" on both ends of the spectrum.
I do not feel that we as a country are in danger of a quick power grab along the lines of Hitler. He had a private army, which no candidates or Presidents have currently. We have a people who are armed to the teeth, they did not. What I believe will happen is a slow generational destruction of what has made this country great. It will happen through the areas outlined above. It will be backed by "Elites" from both ends of the political spectrum, but perpetrated by the Democrats.
What has de-educated the American children for a generation? Liberal Democrat policies.
Who wants to take away your right to bear arms? Liberal Democrats.
Who wants to re-instate the "Fairness Doctrine" with the expressed purpose of silencing freedom of Speech and thus further contolling the ignorant masses? Liberal Democrats lead by Nancy Pelosi.
I just finished reading:
I highly recommend everyone read this book as it describes what it was like to actually live in a time of tyrannical takeover.
Here are some excerpts:
"A childish illusion, fixed in the minds of all the children born in a certain decade, and hammered home for four years can easily reappear as a deadly political ideology twenty years later."
Of Heinrich Bruening Hitler predecesor:
"He was rather proud to be unpopular. He had successes. His successes could be described as 'operation successful, patient dead' and 'Position held, ranks decimated'. He brought the economy to the brink of collapse, six million people unemployed. The beginnings of the restriction of the Freedom of the press and gagging of Parliment could be traced to Bruening. paridoxically, his actions were rooted in the conviction that he was defending the Republic. His form of Government was a semi-dictatorship. He was the lesser of two evils. The repulsive Hitler was held off for two years. He (Hitler) promised everything to everybody, which naturally brought him a vast, loose army of followers, and voters from among the ignorant, the dissapointed, and the dissposessed."
Is this not a very startling desciption of what we are facing? I am not saying that Barrack Obama is Hitler, but the description of the circumstances of that time, and of the people's desire to rid themselves of an oppressive, failed leader lead them into the arms of a more oppressive leader. A Tyrant.
"The Nazi's claimed that the Reichstag fire was burned by the communists and that it was meant as a signal for a communist uprising. Only by swift, decisive actions did the Nazi's avert a communist takeover. With sheepish submissiveness the German people accepted the result of the fire. Each one of them lost what little personal freedom and dignity was guaranteed by the constitution, as though it followed as a necessary consequence."
Patriot Act anyone?
"The whole tradition of a state based on the rule of law, to which generations of men like my father had devoted their lives and energies, which had seemed do firm and permenant, to disappear overnight."
The Supreme Court had four Justices that thought the constitution should be re-interpreted to de-arm Americans. When Barrack Obama is elected, what kind of judges will he place on the court? And the next time a case such as this appears before them, where will our arms go? Where will the Constitution go? Liberals do not like strict interpretaion of the Constitution, they want a living, breathing document that can be changed to fit their view of the world. If guns are taken from the citizens, how long will it be before the Federal Government uses its powers to subjigate the people?
"Emotions became less intense over the summer. the tension dropped. Even the feeling of disgust weakened. It was all covered by a narcotic cloud. For many who had to remain in Germany, it was a time of climitization with all its dangers."~summer 1933
This statement depicts the nature of people to go along and get along. Their freedoms were rapidly being taken away, and yet the people tried to just go about their business as if nothing remarkable was going on. They had concerns for their own lives and just wanted to ignore what was going on on a National level. The slow steady loss of Liberty was upon them.
"The red posters for the announcement of executions on the poster pillars every morning next to the Cinema programs and the posters for the summer restaurants. I did not even notice them anymore."
Do the American people even notice what is being taken from them? Do they care?
My question for you is....would it be more plausible in America for a "Hitler" type power grab to occur where the people are quickly subjigated? Or would it be more feasible for a slow but steady dillusion of the people's rights till one day the frog wakes up and he finds himself cooked in the boiling water?

How did Hitler grab power? He used the Democratic political system of Germany, combined with strong-arm tactics to gain a modest amount of power. He told the people what they wanted to hear, he promised them everything. He appealed to their fears of a people who were nationalists, a once proud nation now struggling with un-employment, inflation, and national security. Once he had been elected, he consolidated his power through intimidation, murder and mayhem.
Can conservatives follow this model and be successful? Is this really what George W. Bush has been doing as many on the left contend?
Personally I think all the hyperbole from the left is nothing but a smoke screen to destroy the Republican party by creating a state of fear amongst the people.
What would it take to impose tyranny on this country?
First, you need an ignorant people. This has been acheived with relatively good success. Government schools are dumbing down the masses till they have no reasoning skills, they don't understand Government, and most importantly they don't understand the Constitution.
Second, you need to dis-arm the people. The Founders recognized the dangers of Tyrannical government and gave provision to the people to arm themselves. This right was narrowly affirmed last week in a 5-4 vote. Four Supreme Court Justices thought that the people did not have a right to bear arms! This should be a wake-up call.
Third, Freedom of Speech must be controlled. There are several ways that this is being instituted in a slow, creeping loss to our Freedoms.
Hate-Speech laws are silencing a number of topics that the left disagrees with.
Political correctness limits areas of discussion for fear that people will be offended.
Suppression of free-flow of information on talk radio through the "Fairness Doctrine".
The Internet will be regulated through either taxation, or fairness, or some other ruse to take away the free-flow of ideas.
Finally, you need a closed and controlled political system in which the people have the illusion of picking leaders that represent themselves. Over the course of the last 50 years the two major parties have stacked the deck so that no one else can compete. The two parties have been moving towrds each other, while drifting further to the political left. Voting laws are structured, debates are structured, sound-bites are orchestrated, the whole system has failed the American people at finding the best candidate. It is structured to maintain power in the hands of the "Elites" on both ends of the spectrum.
I do not feel that we as a country are in danger of a quick power grab along the lines of Hitler. He had a private army, which no candidates or Presidents have currently. We have a people who are armed to the teeth, they did not. What I believe will happen is a slow generational destruction of what has made this country great. It will happen through the areas outlined above. It will be backed by "Elites" from both ends of the political spectrum, but perpetrated by the Democrats.
What has de-educated the American children for a generation? Liberal Democrat policies.
Who wants to take away your right to bear arms? Liberal Democrats.
Who wants to re-instate the "Fairness Doctrine" with the expressed purpose of silencing freedom of Speech and thus further contolling the ignorant masses? Liberal Democrats lead by Nancy Pelosi.
I just finished reading:

I highly recommend everyone read this book as it describes what it was like to actually live in a time of tyrannical takeover.
Here are some excerpts:
"A childish illusion, fixed in the minds of all the children born in a certain decade, and hammered home for four years can easily reappear as a deadly political ideology twenty years later."
Of Heinrich Bruening Hitler predecesor:
"He was rather proud to be unpopular. He had successes. His successes could be described as 'operation successful, patient dead' and 'Position held, ranks decimated'. He brought the economy to the brink of collapse, six million people unemployed. The beginnings of the restriction of the Freedom of the press and gagging of Parliment could be traced to Bruening. paridoxically, his actions were rooted in the conviction that he was defending the Republic. His form of Government was a semi-dictatorship. He was the lesser of two evils. The repulsive Hitler was held off for two years. He (Hitler) promised everything to everybody, which naturally brought him a vast, loose army of followers, and voters from among the ignorant, the dissapointed, and the dissposessed."
Is this not a very startling desciption of what we are facing? I am not saying that Barrack Obama is Hitler, but the description of the circumstances of that time, and of the people's desire to rid themselves of an oppressive, failed leader lead them into the arms of a more oppressive leader. A Tyrant.
"The Nazi's claimed that the Reichstag fire was burned by the communists and that it was meant as a signal for a communist uprising. Only by swift, decisive actions did the Nazi's avert a communist takeover. With sheepish submissiveness the German people accepted the result of the fire. Each one of them lost what little personal freedom and dignity was guaranteed by the constitution, as though it followed as a necessary consequence."
Patriot Act anyone?
"The whole tradition of a state based on the rule of law, to which generations of men like my father had devoted their lives and energies, which had seemed do firm and permenant, to disappear overnight."
The Supreme Court had four Justices that thought the constitution should be re-interpreted to de-arm Americans. When Barrack Obama is elected, what kind of judges will he place on the court? And the next time a case such as this appears before them, where will our arms go? Where will the Constitution go? Liberals do not like strict interpretaion of the Constitution, they want a living, breathing document that can be changed to fit their view of the world. If guns are taken from the citizens, how long will it be before the Federal Government uses its powers to subjigate the people?
"Emotions became less intense over the summer. the tension dropped. Even the feeling of disgust weakened. It was all covered by a narcotic cloud. For many who had to remain in Germany, it was a time of climitization with all its dangers."~summer 1933
This statement depicts the nature of people to go along and get along. Their freedoms were rapidly being taken away, and yet the people tried to just go about their business as if nothing remarkable was going on. They had concerns for their own lives and just wanted to ignore what was going on on a National level. The slow steady loss of Liberty was upon them.
"The red posters for the announcement of executions on the poster pillars every morning next to the Cinema programs and the posters for the summer restaurants. I did not even notice them anymore."
Do the American people even notice what is being taken from them? Do they care?