'Twitter Files' part 5 reveals aftermath of unprecedented Trump ban

LOl this coming from a guy who never posts his own thread he just attacks others. You cry and whine like a bitch and have a ego the size of the moon

i just posted a thread about trump and his approval the other day, *****.

my god you're stupid. lol
i just posted a thread about trump and his approval the other day, *****.

my god you're stupid. lol
O yea your a regular poster all right dozens of them. very impressive ricky retardo now wonder you were named after the king of Doofusdork
O yea your a regular poster all right dozens of them. very impressive ricky retardo now wonder you were named after the king of Doofusdork

wow you can't even admit your own stupidity even when proven in front of your face. lol.

you said I never posted threads, and i had..just posted one.


you're so stupid.