Trump will end inflation crisis

Based on everything disclosed during the course of his recent record smashing NY fraud case, Trump is no expert in real estate appraisals/valuation either. 😄
Trump may or may not know the actual value of property. But he LIES about how much it is worth to buyers and banks and how pitifully little it is worth to the tax appraiser. The Truth is not a thing that Trump cares about. His only truth is that he is great and never makes mistakes and how everyone should love him.
Inflation rate is under 3 percent
Trumps plan won't lower prices it will raise them
yes inflation is finally down now all we need is a pay raise to make up for what he has cost us then remove about 15 million illegals get the Russia and gaza wars straighten out. Get the price of gas down Do something about poverty one area at a time . We also have a large supply
of coal and it might be worth while looking into liquefaction technology and use and cost reduction, cold fusion research is something we need to invest in instead of 200 billion a year were spending on illegals.
Trumps plan has yet been tested now , you didn't mind when joes cost us thousands each and still is costing us.
Trump may or may not know the actual value of property. But he LIES about how much it is worth to buyers and banks and how pitifully little it is worth to the tax appraiser. The Truth is not a thing that Trump cares about. His only truth is that he is great and never makes mistakes and how everyone should love him.
I was using sarcasm. ;)
yes inflation is finally down now all we need is a pay raise to make up for what he has cost us then remove about 15 million illegals get the Russia and gaza wars straighten out. Get the price of gas down Do something about poverty one area at a time . We also have a large supply
of coal and it might be worth while looking into liquefaction technology and use and cost reduction, cold fusion research is something we need to invest in instead of 200 billion a year were spending on illegals.
Trumps plan has yet been tested now , you didn't mind when joes cost us thousands each and still is costing us.
Every plan to impose a 10% tariff on all imports will cause a rise in prices paid by the consumers.
Coal is the most dangerous hydrocarbon to mine and process and the one that poses the greatest threat to the planet.

If illegals are working, they are paying taxes. The law says that illegals can never take more money out of SS than they paid into it.

Trump has no ability to end any war in Gaza, period.
The only way that Trump could end the war in Ukraine would be to deny Ukraine the arms it needs to defeat Putin and to cede the valuable Donbas region to Russia. If this happens, Putin will continue his attempts to recreate thew Russian Empire.

Trump said he was going to negotiate deals with China. He did not. Nor did he accomplish anything by meeting with Kim Jong Un. Trump is corrupt, incompetent, ignorant and stupid.

But he will put an end to shark attacks, the possibility of people being electrocuted by electric boats, and being eaten by the Late Great Hannibal "the Cannibal" Lector.
yes inflation is finally down now all we need is a pay raise to make up for what he has cost us then remove about 15 million illegals get the Russia and gaza wars straighten out. Get the price of gas down Do something about poverty one area at a time . We also have a large supply
of coal and it might be worth while looking into liquefaction technology and use and cost reduction, cold fusion research is something we need to invest in instead of 200 billion a year were spending on illegals.
Trumps plan has yet been tested now , you didn't mind when joes cost us thousands each and still is costing us.
Nice rambling stupidity about Gaza, immigration, etc lol