Trump pressure campaigns in battleground states to be outlined at today’s Jan. 6 hearing


Active Member
Aug 3, 2020
The House committee investigating the attack on the U.S. Capitol and claims of electoral fraud is set to hear Tuesday from elected officials and volunteer workers from battleground states about the effects of a pressure campaign from Donald Trump and his allies to change the results of the 2020 election.
The House committee investigating the attack on the U.S. Capitol and claims of electoral fraud is set to hear Tuesday from elected officials and volunteer workers from battleground states about the effects of a pressure campaign from Donald Trump and his allies to change the results of the 2020 election.
Trump did that? No. Tell me it isn't true.
He wouldn't would get?
Next you'll be saying he tried to overthrow democracy. Then I will know its not true.
Republicans have always been fasicts, but never before have they been so extremely fascist. They always try to gain advantage, with gerrymandering, vote cadging, and voter supression of minority voters, but never have they been this blatant in their dishonesty.

It's past time to shut them down.
Republicans have always been fasicts, but never before have they been so extremely fascist. They always try to gain advantage, with gerrymandering, vote cadging, and voter supression of minority voters, but never have they been this blatant in their dishonesty.

It's past time to shut them down.
That underlying fascist agenda has always been there but to overthrow democracy was always a bridge to far.
The election of a ratbag like Trump made anything possible whilst eventually as we are seeing, can be scapegoats on Trump.

Make no mistake. They have a born to rule mentality. Nothing beyond complete control is satisfactory. That bloody democracy keeps interfering.

The sad part is the low iq idiots, and there's millions of them, who really thought Trump was god. His popularity rose every time he played up to the hatreds, fears and racism. That defined him for every minute of his presidency

Now we have the j6 commission which is exposing how he orchestrated to destroy democracy and they still cling to him.
The very fabric of their being, freedom etc was so close to being taken away but rather than admit they were conned by him, they double down and want him returned. Never underestimate the stupidity of people.
Republicans have always been fasicts, but never before have they been so extremely fascist. They always try to gain advantage, with gerrymandering, vote cadging, and voter supression of minority voters, but never have they been this blatant in their dishonesty.

It's past time to shut them down.
Fascist lol yea right Boris the baffled .

The hearings are a distraction for the weak minded . Democrats need a battle cry after all to rally the troops so o speak.
All 0f their policy's have deeply hurt the nation and the courts are killing them, in Georgia NY and the supreme court ,
They have tried to impeach trump 2 times and wanted to after him when he left office .The hearings are one sided as if there was a prosecutor and no defense attorney typical liberal ideal of justice . They wont go anywhere .
Liberals will not only loose control of the house but the senate also and these hearings are merely a attempt to divert attention away from all the democrat failures under Biden the bumbler .
Its like a bunch of cowardly gorillas beating their chest to try to impress themelves and all the little monkeys that follow them .
The actions of Republicans speak more loudly than any of your rhetoric. Trump and his cronies tried to overturn a free election. The only fraud was the fraud attempted by Trump and his cronies. Republicans are going to try and use the current inflation caused by corporate piggery, and blame it all on Biden. It will work to an extent. My hope is that most people will be smart enough to see trough the use of disinformation tactics, and outright lies, and vote accordingly.
The actions of Republicans speak more loudly than any of your rhetoric. Trump and his cronies tried to overturn a free election. The only fraud was the fraud attempted by Trump and his cronies. Republicans are going to try and use the current inflation caused by corporate piggery, and blame it all on Biden. It will work to an extent. My hope is that most people will be smart enough to see trough the use of disinformation tactics, and outright lies, and vote accordingly.
Im sure most people will see the truth but its not the one your pushing.
Fascist lol yea right Boris the baffled .

The hearings are a distraction for the weak minded . Democrats need a battle cry after all to rally the troops so o speak.
All 0f their policy's have deeply hurt the nation and the courts are killing them, in Georgia NY and the supreme court ,
They have tried to impeach trump 2 times and wanted to after him when he left office .The hearings are one sided as if there was a prosecutor and no defense attorney typical liberal ideal of justice . They wont go anywhere .
Liberals will not only loose control of the house but the senate also and these hearings are merely a attempt to divert attention away from all the democrat failures under Biden the bumbler .
Its like a bunch of cowardly gorillas beating their chest to try to impress themelves and all the little monkeys that follow them .
Nah comrade. What your problem is you don't like Trump being exposed as the brain dead narcissistic pysopath he is.
Diverting to the democrats is very poor.

In another thread I pointed out how you still support Trump. Now he is being proven to be a tyrant and fascist, how does it feel to know you supported that all along? Is that in line with republican ideals and policies? Maybe your blind allegiance stepped in and you refused to admit you were wrong. Dont bother. The commission will do it for you.

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