Trump is under indictment for four serious crimes. Will he be convicted?


Staff member
Apr 20, 2007
The Golden State
Since he has not yet been tried, he is, according to the Constitution, not guilty. He does, however, still have to face a court trial in which the representatives of the people of the United States get a chance to prove him guilty in a coutr of law.

What do you think the odds are he will be convicted? Will he ever be locked up?

What other accused person has entered the prison in a motorcade like Trump did? In the end, that big show means nothing. Either he will be convicted, or he won't. It doesn't matter how many vans, ambulances, motorcycles, and SUVs brought him to be arrested and immediately let go under bail.

Trump clearly has a following that will vote for him regardless of what he does and what he is or isn't convicted of. That following is large enough to spoil the election for any other Republican candidate, but most likely not big enough for him to be elected himself. That leaves the Democrats as the only viable candidates.

Will the Democrat be Biden? That's how it looks now, but given an octogenarian candidate, anything can happen in the next 14 months.
i really wish biden would step aside and a younger candidate be chosen. He has a lot going against him (primarily his age), i think any dem candidate other than him beats trump handily. right now it would be a close election, not sure how the trials will affect it.

i also think someone like christie or halley would beat biden because they are relatively well known and relatively reasonable (for republicans).

its going to be interesting
View attachment 6948
. think current occurrences are all new-and-different for Joe Biden, huh.
You'd have to be pretty fuckin' young....and, think that....and, not recognize the exceptional moves he's made!!!


again, i just think biden is vulnerable to a republican candidate because of his age. a younger candidate has a better chance of winning against the republicans. I'm not against his policies or actions, just his electibility vis-a-vis other democrats.
again, i just think biden is vulnerable to a republican candidate because of his age. a younger candidate has a better chance of winning against the republicans. I'm not against his policies or actions, just his electibility vis-a-vis other democrats.

"....better chance of winning...."????
I have my doubts about any serious charges panning out in Georgia.
However as far as his handling of classified documents he's guilty.
As for other federal charges I am unsure .A lot of the stuff Bragg is pulling is crap