Wow you did a great job of making Todd Palin sound like a Chicago thug. Man, they should arrest him. Keep the streets safe and make it look good for L. Obama all in the same act.
I never implied he was a thug.

You and I both know that.
You keep saying 4 democrats and 8 republicans, but you don’t mention that many republicans are really pist off at her for going against other republicans. Many republicans still aren’t over it. Having an R behind your name doesn’t mean they are your friend.
LOL... except for a few badly outvoted legislators, the GOP wounds from 2006 were largely healed in the State, until AGIA was approved. During this time, I was actually fairly supportive of Sarah. But her nomination at the same time as some serious questions were being raised about Troopergate, and then the proverbial atomic bomb went off in Alaska when she was nominated.
In the month leading up to her nomination, since the news broke about Wooten, when she was being cooperative, this whole thing would have gone away quietly, but her entire tune has changed since she has been nominated.
Just have Todd Palin arrested for Chicago thug style behavior and that should help out the Obama ticket. You don’t want to have Sarah arrested because someone might look
Sympathetically towards her, best way to crush her and her family is arresting Todd Palin.
Wait a minute here, I never implied such a thing. I think it is a shame that any candidates kids or spouses become involved in big time politics either party. I have read some of your particularly nasty posts about Michelle Obama. Where does one draw the line?
OH OH OH set the daughter up with crack and then do a huge news story that Sarah Palin's daughter is doing smack while pregnant and she learned it from her mother. Oh that could do it.
Give this sort of stuff a rest please.
Obama might win Alaska after all
There was a time when the Democrats might have made a sweep in Alaska. But Sarah is still fairly poppular and has ensured an McCain victory here. But Senator Stevens is in deep trouble. His trial started today. It is being overshadowed for now with Saracudda, but he is not only likely to lose his seat, but also be convicted of charges that unless he gets a pardon of some sort will spend the rest of his life in jail. As an Alaskan who has until this year supported him with great pride, this is truly heartbreaking.
I think the Don Young race is to close to judge. At this point I am undecided on the Congresssional race here.