Pointing out G.W.B. past mistakes, greedy driven decisions, fiscal irresponsibility, lies, deceit, appointments ie BROWN IN CHARGE OF FEMA/GONZALES IN CHARGE OF THE AG'S OFFICE, in-debt to a communist country for a war that we shouldn't have invaded and finished up in Afghanistan instead; are not just irrational little pissy reasons for disliking a president...but you seem to have a 'grater value system' by which you measure a highly educated fully elected official who now represents the entire USA. Your gutter speak and use of words are the systematic way in which you show your low morals and crude thought process for our current president...qualifies you to follow the ilk and mindset that sustains your poor mental judgement of our highest elected office in our country!!!
Best do your research as I suggest before...because once again you know 'NADA' about the ways of the RNC/GOP and how disgusted with G.W.B. and Herr Chaney they were and how they are suffering the consequences for those two and their lying ways...but I digress; you seem to have blocked out/blacked out the campaign and the results for the election of 2008...republicans did not go vote, that is just how badly they felt and how horrendous the mental stability that they were suffering from 8 years of #43.
Well, of course you do...with your limited memory and false sense of reality...I'm quite sure that you do
'MEAN' it as TRUTH
Nope, you swallowed that entire; "only we republicans can protect this country from foreign invaders/terrorists" and you just keep believing that B.S. and it will provide you all kinds of comfort while another 5,000 plus men & women die to prove your 'stupid point'
No problemo, for someone who listens to the insane ranting of Glen Beck/Rush Limbaugh and spews the insulting words that you have about and against our president...you are exactly and entirely WELCOME. And you're just pissed off that you can't go nail my arse {you and your little groupies} with more juvenile negative marks...OH HOW SAD
LMAO...so do the other mentally challenged children that are passed on to the next grade/promoted and they haven't learned a thing..."NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND"...you would benefit from that Bush program too!!!
GEE, it so sad that you can't snap into the 21st century and get taped programs/CD's/Ipods/other recorded programs/music to listen too...but then that would be a higher intelligence speaking and you've just acknowledge that you aren't that BRIGHT!!!

Oh, and I bet that you never heard dear Ron Jr. say anything mean and hateful about G.W.B. either...hmmm
Do you want me to archive that for future reference...because it's a long-long way to the next election and that roller-coaster just keeps rolling along...but you just hang on and as with your 'stars & god like adulation of G.W.B.' in your eyes & mind there will be many, many changes that will come and go and you'll still be CLUELESS!

Then you can and will use that 'LACK OF INTEREST' to justify your ignoring all of the Republicans that disagreed with #43 and his staffers and all of their infighting...but that would have meant that you really paid attention during those 8 years of BUSH...{heavy sigh} so sad! Yes, I do...read it from the source each and every day...I don't need more verbal/hate/racist spewed at me from the radio/TV to hear the other side and what the intelligent adults think...but you just keep supporting that mindset and repeating their diatribe/racist views and I'll understand that you are exactly what I've thought you were and feel justified in my