What is it with you and bible-beaters, eh?
The sentence I posted is (again) from the udhr - which you insist is from the bible. How many more times do I need to say this before you give your puny mind leave to understand, eh?
I never said it was from the Bible, it's your interpretation of the meaning of the words that is religiously based.
I really have very little interest reading your opinions of me, or of anything else WITHOUT FACTUAL NOR LOGICAL BASIS.
You have not yet provided any factual basis nor logical proofs to support your religious interpretation of a secular statement. Religion has no factual basis nor logic either, it's about faith.
By all means -- go by my post. For starters, you might want to drop that 'religous dogma' crap since I am not using it in this argument.
You were the one singing the praises of selfless missionaries and how much good they were doing on Earth.
Once again it should be noted as it was earlier in this thread that the Universal Declaration... doesn't mandate discrimination towards gay people,
Of course it doesn't. Saying that the NATURAL family is the fundamental group unit of society in no way discriminates gay people. They can still go on their merry way.
No, they can't go their merry way, they can't go their marry way either because so many countries still deny them the legal right to marry. Denying legal rights to one group of people for no reason but religious bigotry is what was done to black people. It was wrong then, it's wrong now.
It does support my arguments. Or you don't find the word NATURAL explicit enough? Tell me, what part of that word do you not understand?
In light of the fact that homosexual behavior is found in all of the higher animals, in all human cultures all down through history, and the growing body of evidence that it's an ordinary genetic variation in most animals--including the human one, then I guess that "natural" would be a good way to describe it--unless you are a religious bigot. Religions have always been big on condemning things as unnatural, are you old enough to remember when interracial marriage was "unnatural"? It's condemned in the Bible too, why aren't you campaigning against it? You're not campaigning against it because it's accepted now and bashing gay people is the flavor of the month.
Have you read humanae vitae?
Excuse me? Aren't you the one who said
"...you might want to drop that 'religous dogma' crap since I am not using it in this argument." Yes, I've perused it, so what? The Pope is just another guy, he's no closer to God than anyone else.
If you take the udhr and the rights of children, you would see that the principles stated therein are CONSISTENT. Rant all you want but the principles are CLEAR.
I don't really think I'm the one ranting here, I accept what the UDHR says and I don't have to redefine the wording by filtering it through my religious dogma.
Sewing a vagina where your penis used to be wouldn't change your IDENTITY.
You are entirely correct, Nums, I always was a female and getting my birth defect surgically repaired was just like getting a cleft palate or club foot repaired. As I noted in a previous post Christianity was dead-set againsy repairing those birth defects too. Well, at least you're consistent. Of course Einstein said that a foolish consistency was the hobgoblin of a small mind.
You have a right to speak againsts those particular people. You DO NOT HAVE THE RIGHT TO SPEAK ILL OF ALL CHRISTIANS.
I've been pretty clear in stating that I think the teachings of Jesus are very good and I appreciate the very few real Christians that I have known in my life who actually pay attention to Jesus' example and try to live by it. As I have noted before it is the hatred exhibited by self-identified Christians that has driven me away from organized Christianity.
Do you need me to post a definition of bigotry like bewitched?
No, I don't think so, you've been giving great examples in almost every one of your posts. At least I have stated that I have met real Christians and that I appreciate them. You, on the other hand, have attacked all gay men and at least one transsexual, because of your religious ideas you have lumped all of them in one catagory: bad. That's bigotry.
Healing the sick, teaching, and in general, helping to raise the quality of life IMPROVES THE WORLD. The bulk of missionary work is in there, not proselytizing.
If that was all they were doing, then I would agree with you, but they're not. They go as missionaries because they want to proselytize, otherwise they could join one of the secular help groups.
You pretend to lecture me on my own religion? How presumptous indeed! Must be hormonal.
If it's hormonal, then what's your excuse? I lecture you because you continually exhibit a large lack of knowledge where the history of your own religion is concerned. Don't feel bad, most Christians don't know diddly-squat about Christian religious history.
The church was the ONLY institution of learning during the dark ages. Universities where invented by the clergy -- and with it, a contribution to almost all fields of human knowledge.
Pish-tush, Nums. The Church caused the Dark Ages by denying education to the masses so that they could maintain their control. The first Universities were started by the Arabic peoples, remember how they were the first ones to invent the "zero" for use in mathematics? When the Crusaders invaded the Middle East they discovered an extraordinary civilization with Universities, medicine, mathematics, and wonderful architecture. The Crusaders were the barbarians.
If it weren't for the church, the ancient hellenistic culture of learning wouldn't have reached your doorstep, and you'd probably be wearing a burqa right now.
Your conclusion isn't supported by history, Nums, it's just wishful thinking.
John paul 2 made an apology enough for all of us.
Now wait a second, you're the one not using religious "crap" right? So how come you're letting the Pope do your apologising? Anyway the Pope only apologized for the past, not for the violence that Christians are committing today.
You don't know me and yet I am the source of all your problems, eh? Your general confusion in your life is so sad.
No, no, you're just an extremely good example of the kind of Christian that scorns the ideas of Jesus and uses the Bible as a weapon against people you don't like.
I'm not about to deny the operation of logic to blow sunshine up your ass, if that's what you mean.
No, that's not what I meant (and what's the "ass" fetish you have that makes you end each one of your posts by referring to asses and anal passages?). I meant what I said: Most of the Christians I have met pay little or no attention to the really difficult things that Jesus commanded them to do and instead they do the easy things like condemning and attacking small minorities on the basis of fallacious interpretations of the Bible.