Well-Known Member
God whispers in your ear but you think I'm the one who lacks reason and logic...I suppose G_d has been whispering in my ear only. Your presumptions annoy me. I refuse to tell you all that disagree with us, (i.e. G-d and myself), everything that he or she told me.

Economics is in no way dependent "upon the reasonable and logical behavior of people". Economics simply looks at what IS and records the findings. You seem to be confusing economics for social engineering, these two concepts are not the same. You seem to think the field of economics should be used as a means of manipulating the public into doing whatever it is you believe they should be doing, whatever you believe is in their own best interest, rather than leaving individuals free to pursue their own happiness.economics is a social study dependent to a great extent upon the reasonable and logical behavior of people.
I - like everyone else who values freedom - have no desire to rule, or be ruled by, others.Those that believe there's always a single absolute truth have no need for the government democracies or republics.
Elected officials should have only one job, protecting our individual rights. If you wish to eliminate your share of the trade deficit, then you should be free to do so without any individual, group, or government violating your right to do so. Forcing me to eliminate my share of the trade deficit is not compassion, reason, logic or freedom, it's tyranny - the insatiable desire to rule others. That insatiable desire to rule others is what has formed the basis of government for most of the history of the world. America was the first exception to that rule.
The single unquestionable truth I'm referring to is known as reality... Existence exists: A is A. That is the Law of Identity; a thing IS itself and cannot be anything else. It's easy to see why you find the Law of Identity "unsettling",Your contention of a single unquestionable truth is very unsettling.
"The law of identity does not permit you to have your cake and eat it, too. The law of causality does not permit you to eat your cake before you have it. . . . The law of causality is the law of identity applied to action. All actions are caused by entities. The nature of an action is caused and determined by the nature of the entities that act; a thing cannot act in contradiction to its nature." - John Galt