To the critics of the UN

Many brave men did die in WWII. Not to create the UN Charter, but to defend and protect the Constitution of America. The UN was created by the same people who controls The World bank to issue in a "one world government." They failed to do so after WWI (The League Of Nations), but was successful with the United Nations. The UN Charter is absolutely "repugnant" to the Constitution. They cannot exist side by side. I urge people to really look at the UN, it's history and what it's trying to accomplish. It has nothing to do with freedom, and everything to do with destroying America.

Good stuff.

But can you give specific examples where the constitution collides with the UN charter? Maybe some links?
I think that until the US truely supports the UN, it will be useless and it just shows America's arrogance that they do not support the UN enough but always call on it to invoke sanctions etc. I'm not a fan of the UN the way it stands at the moment but having said that,

if anyone wants to see a film called 'Warriors' about UN soldiers having to stay neutral in Bosnia (watching kids getting taken away and slaughtered elsewhere), then I can send it to you. It was a BBC film and its a really touching film.

What the hell are you talking about? If it weren't for all the money the US pours into the rat hole, it wouldn't exist. They need to stop electing chairmans from countries that support corruption. Putting terrorists in charge of human rights committees is a GD joke.
America is quite happy to support the thing, then follow what it wants. And you think the UN is run by terrorists? Most of those people might come from countries that have a terrorist problem, but they are not all terrorists. It's like calling the US representative in the UN obese, even if he isn't, just because hes American.
My biggest problem with the UN is it's refusal to enforce any of its resolutions, in effect, making it a toothless organization as well as a bottomless money pit.

If the UN was simply created as a neutral table for all countries to have a voice then I would have a different opinion but it is apparently more than that. If it is more then that, I expect more. We're getting much less in my opinion.

I gasped when I saw the US contribution to the UN! In 2001 it was over 3 Billion dollars and in 2005 it was over 5 billion!! - yes thats billion with a "B". That is roughly 25% if the UN's total annual budget! What have US taxpayers seen for their contributions? A total inability of the UN to enforce it's own resolutions. An oil for food scandal that allowed Saddam to make billions around sanctions and was of ZERO benefit to his people. Now that the scandal has been buried, can anyone remember who was held accountable? Oh, thats right, no one! I particularly enjoyed the offensive speeches we were subjected to on our own soil by Iranian and Venezuelan leaders. I think Americans are big enough to get over this but it seems to me we could get the same results and treatment for free.

I'm not of the opinion that the UN serves no purpose. Nor do I think that it is impossible to fix the issues that plague the current UN. I am, however saying that if it continues to be little more than an expensive cocktail party then I have little interest in funding it or hosting it!

The UN is as useless an organization as has ever been created. You are correct in that the UN issues decrees and then doesn't enforce them. The UN issued decrees to Saddam Hussein and he did nothing to comply. And what did the UN do in response? They issued more decrees. 17 in all. GWB, for all his shortcomings, realized the impotence of the UN and removed Saddam by force.
I am a borderline isolationist and it is my opinion we don't need the UN. Certainly our contribution should be only a per capita share and not 25-33%. And if you ask a New Yorker, he/she will most likely say that the UN diplomats are a pain in the rear. The UN occupies some very valuable real estate and I, for one, would like to see the UN relocated to W Europe.
To vyo476:
I don't propose reorganizing the UN. They wouldn't pay any attention to us, anyway. The UN is what it is: a noble idea but totally impotent in execution.
If you want to gain a greater understanding of the UN and it's relationship to the global warming hysteria, check out this site:
The UN wants to tax industrial nations, (translation: you and me) and use the money to "fight" global warming. What that really means is that they want to tax you and piss away your hard earned dineros.
Never forget that the UN is solely responsible for the greatest monetary scam in history: Oil for Food. This scheme involves more fraud than even the Ponzi scheme we call Social Security.
Actually, technically America is a "post-industrial" nation now, as our economy is now primary service-based. One of the big reasons that a lot of people aren't willing to look at emissions-reduction models is because they'd almost certainly scare away what few industries we have left.