Threads Merged: Obama Nobel Prize

Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

This is an absolute farce. If all it takes to win a prestigious prize as this is to sprout banal rhetoric without any actual substanital benefit to the world or indeed long term results is basically a waste of time.

friggin joke.........
Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

Hey I am proud of obama here, dont get me wrong

he deserves this prize just for being in the same group with AlGore and the Jew hating Carter

I am glad they picked him :)

Carter is a Jew hater? Oh, that's right, according to your side anybody who doesn't celebrate the murdering of Palestinian women and children is a Jew hater.

That makes a lot of sense...
Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

Carter is a Jew hater? Oh, that's right, according to your side anybody who doesn't celebrate the murdering of Palestinian women and children is a Jew hater.

That makes a lot of sense...

Yes jimmy carter is a Jew hater.

I do not celebrate murder of anyone and certianly not the Palestinian women or children. I am not saying Israel is perfect because they are not. But when terrorists groups strap bombs on their own women and children and retarded citizens then tell them to go blow up a bus or cafe in Israel, I do not blame Israel... I blame the terrorists bastards who did it. Where people like jimmy carter blames Israel
Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

Oh great. More unwarrnated accolades for Obama.
Why dont' you call Garafalo, Olberman, and Michael More and have a pizza party in his honor.

Even in Norway, where Mr. Obama enjoys huge popularity, the decision raised eyebrows among some. "It is just too soon," said Siv Jensen, leader of Norway's main opposition party, the Progress Party. "It is wrong to give him the peace prize for his ambition. You should receive it for results."

She said that the decision to bestow the award on the president was the most controversial she could remember and was one of a number that had moved the prize further away from the ideals of Alfred Nobel.

Very interesting. The reaction around the globe seems to be more mixed and stridently at odds than the average here in the US. On an early radio report this morning, a reporter from Sky News covering the story had the comment from ? that it is a move to assure that PBO stays in line with his promises, an attempt to make sure he plays global ball nice. I had to leave a question on the source; I've not found it yet but will keep hunting. Or maybe it got pulled and trashed into the dustbin of obscurity... too bad I didn't have my digital recorder going.

But I did find this article on Sky's website, which the following is an excerpt of:

...President Obama to be Peace Prize Winner is that he has given the world 'hope for a better future' and is striving for nuclear disarmament. That despite the deadline for entry being Feb1st. Agreed, he then had another 8 months to achieve something, but he was nominated a full 11 days into his Presidency.

Since when do you get a Nobel Prize for making some people hope? Hope is a good thing, without it we would be in a very dark place, but next year can we expect Miss World to win ? After all, she always says 'I hope for a world without nuclear weapons'. Mr Obama has tried to advance peace in the Middle East and got nowhere, it's possible a third intifada is closer since he took office. Across the Middle East there is disillusionment after the heady and nieave optimism of the summer. His open hand to the Iranians has been re-buffed, he has ramped up the war in Afghanistan and increased the number of air strikes in Pakistan.

Obama's sincerity, and energy, in trying to do the right thing is not in question here. What is, is the number of marbles rolling around the distinguished grey heads of the Nobel Committee. Either that, or their political calucations.

I lean towards the latter. In recent years the Nobel Prize has received fewer headlines than normal. This is partially because in 2007 the prize was given to 'The Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change (and AL Gore). In 2006 it was a joint award, ditto in 2005. This diluted the impact.

Naming Obama guaranteed massive world wide coverage, but it might cheapen the award...

With so much global attention afforded him, and with his notably significant success at getting elected here, I can see why they might want to use him as a poster child for significance.
Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

This is an absolute farce. If all it takes to win a prestigious prize as this is to sprout banal rhetoric without any actual substanital benefit to the world or indeed long term results is basically a waste of time.

friggin joke.........

Scotsman, we often may be at odds, but kudos to your succinct assessment on this one! Credit where credit is due, and you've earned your warm fuzzies today!
Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

Very interesting. The reaction around the globe seems to be more mixed and stridently at odds than the average here in the US. On an early radio report this morning, a reporter from Sky News covering the story had the comment from ? that it is a move to assure that PBO stays in line with his promises, an attempt to make sure he plays global ball nice. I had to leave a question on the source; I've not found it yet but will keep hunting. Or maybe it got pulled and trashed into the dustbin of obscurity... too bad I didn't have my digital recorder going.

But I did find this article on Sky's website, which the following is an excerpt of:

With so much global attention afforded him, and with his notably significant success at getting elected here, I can see why they might want to use him as a poster child for significance.

Doesn't Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. own Sky News?

They are nothing but a UK version of Faux News....meaning anything they say is right wing BS.
Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

Oh great. More unwarrnated accolades for Obama.
Why dont' you call Garafalo, Olberman, and Michael More and have a pizza party in his honor.

Even in Norway, where Mr. Obama enjoys huge popularity, the decision raised eyebrows among some. "It is just too soon," said Siv Jensen, leader of Norway's main opposition party, the Progress Party. "It is wrong to give him the peace prize for his ambition. You should receive it for results."

She said that the decision to bestow the award on the president was the most controversial she could remember and was one of a number that had moved the prize further away from the ideals of Alfred Nobel.

Gimme a break....The Murdoch Street Journal???

Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

This is an absolute farce. If all it takes to win a prestigious prize as this is to sprout banal rhetoric without any actual substanital benefit to the world or indeed long term results is basically a waste of time.
Still missin' the Bush Years, are ya'??

Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

This is an absolute farce. If all it takes to win a prestigious prize as this is to sprout banal rhetoric without any actual substanital benefit to the world or indeed long term results is basically a waste of time.

friggin joke.........

AWESOME POST MATE! My feelings are the same.... :mad::mad::mad:
Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

he got a prize for giving hope? Really?


The shock ended when I read further down, then it was all clear.

"obama is the third senior U.S. Democrat to win the prize this decade after former Vice President AlGore won in 2007 along with the U.N. climate panel and jimmy carter in 2002".

Yes, obama is in good company with AlGore the global warming nut who uses more electricity for his home than normal people use in a year and flys around in his private jets while telling you to conserve and jimmy "the Jew hater" cater
How much sniping are you capable of in a day Pandora?

If someone does a measure of greatness for the world, you automatically discount them for some soundbite you heard about their imperfections and not living up to ideals they promote. The idea is not that these people are perfect or will ever be perfect, it is that they have tried in a valiant way to bring perfection to the world.

Get it?
Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

How much sniping are you capable of in a day Pandora?

If someone does a measure of greatness for the world, you automatically discount them for some soundbite you heard about their imperfections and not living up to ideals they promote. The idea is not that these people are perfect or will ever be perfect, it is that they have tried in a valiant way to bring perfection to the world.

Get it?[/QUOTE

I wonder what Nelson Mandela is saying to himself right now???? :confused:
He must be really pissed right now. It took him 25 years of wrongful encarceration to come out and reunite his country in order to win the Nobel prize and some ***** who has not done anything for his country or the world in 6 month in power wins it....
This makes no ****en sense at all..... :confused::mad:
Re: Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

Gimme a break....The Murdoch Street Journal???


All they can quote is Murdoch media outlets..,.they're all such tools. Thinking for themselves has become a lost art.

I've been reminded by Thom Hartmann that Oct. 9 is John Lennon's appropriate that Obama should be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize today.