Further proof that many on the left are illogical.
Stop thinking emotional and use your brain.
if ideology trumps.reality then one is.left unable to do much else.
Further proof that many on the left are illogical.
Stop thinking emotional and use your brain.
Thatcher & Reagan made the world stronger. And both of em took down the Soviets. Just like Churchill took down Hitler.
Further proof that many on the left are illogical.
Stop thinking emotional and use your brain.
Well, I do have a brain, child, rather than an implant from my Master. Have a good day now!
I never stated that YOU did NOT have a brain Caveman. I said use it rather than thinking emotionally.
I know you HATE me because I am a conservative.
Do YOU think all conservatives should be imprisoned or executed? Please answer that question. After all just THINK about...if all conservatives were culled, think of the wonderful consequences including reducing the world's population and saving the planet from AGW. How cool would that be?
Nobody celebrated when Reagan died. And Nobody celebrated when Nixon died too.
Prove itsame thing happenen with reagan.
Why should I hate conservatives? They give me a lot of fun, and it is many years since I hated anyone, anyway. The whole point about capitalism is that it brainwashed poor noodles with no confidence in themselves. We'll soon have them liberated.
Well I am glad to hear you would not put a bullet in the back of my head as did your ideological brethren in the USSR, Germany, China, Cambodia, Communist Europe, Vietnam, Cuba, etc................................................
Well Fair is fair. Bill Clinton is responsible for lots of things. Hes responsible for North Korea getting that nuclear weapon. Hes responsible for 3000 deaths on 9-11 because he didn't do his job getting Bin Laden. Plus he was so soft on Islamic radicals
I agreed with her her policies as well I agreed with Reagans policies. I supported the war of the Falklands. Lets say Russia tried to retake Alaska we would go fight now would we?
Thatcher presided over the highest number of business failures ever in the uk
The highest pist war interest rates
The highest unemployment
The highest number of home repossessions
She sold off the country's utility companies to French and German businessmen who now charge five times as much for gas and electricity
She destroyed communities
And get this. Growth in the 80s was no better than in the 70s. There was no economic miracle. That is a myth
Her son is a half witted criminal and her daughter a racist
She was a vicious old witch who had to be removed from office by her own party after succeeding in getting Brits rioting in the street over the poll tax
But thank Dawkins the witch is dead
Household incomes began to rise sharply after the recession of the early 1980s. Government spending was cut back to under 40% of GDP and the budget deficit brought under control. Above all, Mrs Thatcher set the British economy on a new course, away from state control and towards market disciplines that paved the way for price stability and reversed the relative decline (compared with countries like France and Germany) that had been so demoralising in the 1960s and 1970s.
When Thatcher came to power in 1979, Britain was derided as the ‘sick man of Europe’. The country was in thrall to militant trade unions; partly as a consequence of this, the UK’s much-vaunted manufacturing industry was falling behind the US, Japan and Europe in terms of productivity and quality.