those Floridian primary voters were "extreme" ?

Could be a lack of enthusiam, could be the barrage of negative ads turned people off, could be the changed date -- I am interested to see how it does in fact translate to the general election (if at all) once Obama is back on the ballot.

Now, that is a fair comment. Niceto see they still exist.
I guess I should say that it is far better to compare Presidential years to Presidential years because voter patterns change pretty heavily in the off years.

can't argue that.

I have to wonder if we as a country may be at or beyond the tipping point of being fed up with political advertising. I've been sick of it for decades and its spiraled so badly since its insipid.

Primaries historically have been more a matter of fun for political wonks. I wish more states would return to parties making this call. It requires people to have to put some skin in the game to have a voice. Nowadays its just political American Idol.