This really has to be said.

LOL I like you because you are more fun than itching burning and bleeding hemorrhoids

LOL Rachel Madcow claimed that Trump would never be president

It was funny as shit

You were too lazy to watch the video. If you had, you would know that she wasn't giving an editorial. She wasn't saying her own words.

She was quoting facts from honest sources and showing the facts on screen.

It doesn't matter if you want to put your head in the sand, reality doesn't even know you exist much less give a rat's ass what you think or want.

Oh by the way, how's the weather in Moscow today comrade?
Bennie Hill reruns are not truth, Being deliberately annoying is not truth.You are only a troll and a ;pest,

Yes those russian trolls always come out of the woodwork on message boards election time.

I expect many more to come onto this one and others until after the election.

The only reply they should receive is "How's the weather in Moscow today comrade?"
Yes those russian trolls always come out of the woodwork on message boards election time.

I expect many more to come onto this one and others until after the election.

The only reply they should receive is "How's the weather in Moscow today comrade?"

Во время предвыборного митинга 2008 года в Миссури Байден попросил аудиторию аплодировать сенатору штата Чаку Грэму.

«Встань, Чак, пусть они тебя увидят», — сказал Байден, жестом приглашая Грэма встать.

Грэм, парализованный после автомобильной аварии, прикован к инвалидной коляске.

«О, боже, люблю тебя, о чем я говорю», — сказал Байден, осознавая свою ошибку. «Я вот что тебе скажу: ты заставляешь всех остальных встать, приятель. Спасибо тебе большое, большое… Ты же можешь сказать, что я новенький».