This is what's wrong with USA.

Yes no one is forc3d to do anything

It's called freedom
There are different types of freedom. Freedom to hold perverse views. Freedom to disrespect patriotism and the US flag. Freedom to burn down city blocks demanding reparation payments to rioters for 200-year-old slavery. Freedom to strip naked and shower with little girls who have no choice but to allow perverts into their former safe spaces. Freedom to riot, loot, and burn, but only with the blessing of leftists; otherwise, all protesting against perceived evils in the US is sedition. Freedom to force one specific targeted cake maker of dozens in town to bake a homo cake because that one cake maker opposes homosexuality on religious grounds. And so forth.
Yes no one is forc3d to do anything

It's called freedom

You're forced to eat or die, aren't you? It's very simple. Constituencies that don't reproduce, die out. The most effective attack on any Constituency is to attack it's reproductive strategy. The best attack on homopiliacs, oddly enough, is to attack hard narcotic trafficking. Disgusting and true. Thusly it should be done.

The real point to draw from this is that homophiliacs (democrat namblacrats) attack every other constituencies reproductive strategy when narcotics are under attack.
Right-wing reproductive strategy is already very weak due to thousands of years of repression by eunuchs.
There are different types of freedom. Freedom to hold perverse views. Freedom to disrespect patriotism and the US flag. Freedom to burn down city blocks demanding reparation payments to rioters for 200-year-old slavery. Freedom to strip naked and shower with little girls who have no choice but to allow perverts into their former safe spaces. Freedom to riot, loot, and burn, but only with the blessing of leftists; otherwise, all protesting against perceived evils in the US is sedition. Freedom to force one specific targeted cake maker of dozens in town to bake a homo cake because that one cake maker opposes homosexuality on religious grounds. And so forth.
Yes freedom
What Republicans fight against
Yes freedom
What Republicans fight against
Then there are freedoms of worship. Freedoms of conscience. Freedoms of protest.

Freedoms against unlawful seizures and searches. Freedom from government oppression. Freedom to redress grievances. Freedom to own guns. Freedom to reject homosexual and other sexual deviances. Freedom to protect children from woke leftist racist communist indoctrination. And so forth.
Politics-smolitics. Sexual perversion and depravity is a sin and promoting sin like Democrats do is wicked.
There is no such thing as sin and it's a religious fabrication to install guilt and keep the mumblers in line.
The irony is priests etc root little boys every day and not a sin in sight. But you cannot trust those godless democrats who conduct public meeting issuing instructions on how to root kids for the maximum benefit.
Wicked indeed.