This is what Obama's hugs and rainbows policy gets you...

The Geneva convention (nor the Hague) does not apply.
Why do you think this? Because they dont wear a uniform? If that is the case I am pretty sure one is justified in summarily executing them. I might be mistaken, but if I am not, then I wouldnt shed a single tear about someone who takes a shot at American troops in civilian clothes.
I cant believe the blind partisanship here. Nevermind Bush being eager to please the Saudis at every turn.
P. Obama will do what P Bush would have done except he will be lionized rather than crucified for the same thing.

When you do not have a free and unbiased media but instead have one in which 95% of the reporters vote liberal there are consequences and we all suffer equally for them.
Your right, its all the medias fault.
U.S. President Barack Obama signed an executive order Feb. 1 approving the continued use of renditions by the CIA.

I think it is worth restating that "renditions" refers to capturing a person, and perhaps transferring a person to another country, without court involvement. Usually for the purpose of allowing the other country to torture that person in ways that our CIA is not allowed to.
I think it is worth restating that "renditions" refers to capturing a person, and perhaps transferring a person to another country, without court involvement. Usually for the purpose of allowing the other country to torture that person in ways that our CIA is not allowed to.

Exactly! So now the people captured are treated worse than they were at gitmo, but the information extracted is equally worse since we can't over-see their investigation. This is a lose-lose situation, but a typical "happy-joy-joy" feel good solution by the liberal camp.
Exactly! So now the people captured are treated worse than they were at gitmo, but the information extracted is equally worse since we can't over-see their investigation. This is a lose-lose situation, but a typical "happy-joy-joy" feel good solution by the liberal camp.

Hey Andy, it's the lib way, if it feels good do it, don't bother thinking it through, that'll only hurt the meager amount of brain cells supplied to each liberal upon birth. ;)
Here the leftist thought all the Gitmo people were all perfectly innocent lovable little fuzz balls.

You idiots are responsible for the deaths and terror attack that happen because we released them. Obama retards.

Story is located at:

the amazing "specialness" of that comment is astounding..
I love watching Republicans just make up crap that has not even happened and act like it did...and ignore the facts that others where let go under Bush...the Straw man that we think they are all innocent....

Innocent vs charge them with a crime and a trial are not the same things.
War is not like a criminal act. You don't go gather evidence at a crime scene, because it's a war zone. Nor is there tons of evidence to collect. If we bomb a cave, and capture some people running from that area, do you think we're going to send in our troops to go collect evidence for each person in the cave that could collapse at any moment from the bomb?

No. These are totally different situations. Do you think we prosecuted every German we captured during either World War? Of course not. Why would you try to treat this war differently than any other war?

Why do you think he did that? Hmmm? Give a wild stab in the dark as to why? Hint: Idiots screaming about Gitmo. You think if none of these libtards were screaming about gitmo for the past 5 years, that Bush would have released any suspected terrorist? Of course not.

You certainly didn't hear me scream for their release. The point we are making is that this is exactly what's going to happen. Obama signed an executive order to close gitmo. Now those terrorist will be released. The result will be the same as prior releases... namely they will go back to their terrorist friends, and kill more of our troops or other innocent bystanders.

They are not going to come to America. That would be suicide for Obama. He'll release them elsewhere, just like prior releases have.

I love your , its a war,...but no pow's but terrorism is a crime....but no trials....They don't have rights....even if Citizens.....But then you cry about the constitution like you really care...Just what ever fits your little word view, what ever you want to do, just make up a reason to justify later...not like it really matters in the end, its just words.
Thank you Hank,

Wasn't her story sad. She woke up though, in another interview she said she used to be an obama supporter but I dont think any longer

boo hoo sad about a sad story of a Murder victim...look its screw a trial screw charges, just kill them right? that's justice.
Trials are only for people who are innocent.

its amazing how simple some of you right wingers are...
the amazing "specialness" of that comment is astounding..
I love watching Republicans just make up crap that has not even happened and act like it did...and ignore the facts that others where let go under Bush...the Straw man that we think they are all innocent....

Innocent vs charge them with a crime and a trial are not the same things.

Hey I can't be held responsible for the dozens of lame threads on here about the poor abused innocent gitmo detainees. You can claim it's a strawman all you want, I know I read those posts by the leftist idiots. So your claim if false. I read them here, on this forum.

As for make up crap, given the amount of made up stuff the left has claimed on this forum, I think that's an empty charge. But do tell, what's been made up?

And yeah, I know Bush let some go. Why do you think he did that? Because of idiot leftists crying and wailing about those innocent poor abused gitmo detainees. Not to excuse Bush either. I think he was wrong to do it. But he would not have if it wasn't for these squealing idiots.
I love your , its a war,...but no pow's but terrorism is a crime....but no trials....They don't have rights....even if Citizens.....But then you cry about the constitution like you really care...Just what ever fits your little word view, what ever you want to do, just make up a reason to justify later...not like it really matters in the end, its just words.

It is a war. They are POWs to me. They were captured fighting our troops. I said openly terrorism isn't like a crime. Terrorism is like an act of war. Of course they don't have US citizen rights. They are not US citizens. Yeah I do care about the constitution. Not sure what that has to do with the rest of your rant, but ok.

Basically you make up whatever you want me to have said, then attack what you want me to have said, and claim I'm contradicting the things I didn't say. Well that's good Pocket. You successfully made multiple straw-men arguments in one post.