War is not like a criminal act. You don't go gather evidence at a crime scene, because it's a war zone. Nor is there tons of evidence to collect. If we bomb a cave, and capture some people running from that area, do you think we're going to send in our troops to go collect evidence for each person in the cave that could collapse at any moment from the bomb?
No. These are totally different situations. Do you think we prosecuted every German we captured during either World War? Of course not. Why would you try to treat this war differently than any other war?
Why do you think he did that? Hmmm? Give a wild stab in the dark as to why? Hint: Idiots screaming about Gitmo. You think if none of these libtards were screaming about gitmo for the past 5 years, that Bush would have released any suspected terrorist? Of course not.
You certainly didn't hear me scream for their release. The point we are making is that this is exactly what's going to happen. Obama signed an executive order to close gitmo. Now those terrorist will be released. The result will be the same as prior releases... namely they will go back to their terrorist friends, and kill more of our troops or other innocent bystanders.
They are not going to come to America. That would be suicide for Obama. He'll release them elsewhere, just like prior releases have.