This is the kind of waste we need to cut from government


This is the kind of waste we need to cut from government​

This is just a small example


Hey, you crack-heads as pissed because dogs are getting more than their share????
You need to redirect your complaints to the folks who are trying to keep you alive....for whatever weirded-out excuses they come-up, with!!!
It in the interests of the medical community that addiction be better understood, so that addicts can be rescued from their addiction. This is not an effort to study addiction in beagles. You are quite dense and understand nothing, And it is b=very likely that the MAGA clowns will continue this program
this is the real waste..more dangerous than nuclear...

we will not see one penny cut from the sancrosanct defence budget.. a tidal wave of bribes from "defence" companies will
make sure of that,,,,