Obama will be crushed. When he has to face more than cream puff interviews by lib interviewers and offer cliches to screaming Koolaid Kult Kids, he'll think he has run into a brick wall!!
Have ya even watched the guy talk?????????????? Ron Paul ate him for lunch on a simple economic question for Gosh Sake. McCain's totally unresponsive answer... I have a circle of friends that will help me with that.

Joe Lieberman has to literally jump into McCain press conferences to tell him... No John it's the Union Army that wore the blue the Confederate Army wore gray remember?(Sunni/Shiite).
I mean the only speaking game McCain's got is possibly waving a watch saying MY FRIENDS... MY FRIENDS enough times that somehow he hypnotizes the audience and they all fall asleep!

Meanwhile Senator Obama will be discussing careful troop redeployment and addressing threats all around the world and our economy.