Well-Known Member
Yes, and people have taken that to an absurd end, an end in which 90% of the wealth is in the hands of 10% of the people, and that 10% have rigged the laws so that even more money is channeled up to them. If you read the post I made with the concentration of wealth information then you would know that not only is there a greater concentration of wealth in a few hands than ever before, but that the rate of of increase is also increasing.
Why are you so smug about protecting the possessions of people when the founders of this country slaughtered the indigenous owners of the country and STOLE everything from them? Our country was founded on theft, our ecomony was fueled by cheap and plentiful resources, and now we are facing the results of our own actions. Our greed-based culture values money and the right to accumulate it over life itself. And you appear to agree with that standard while I do not.
Wow Mare that is quite an indictment of our nation. How does someone become so jaded?
I am certain many on the far left believe this. What I don't get is why they are still here. If our nation is so evil, you have the right to leave.
Lets see. Where in the world can we export Mare?
- How about Russia? They have a long just past.
- Or, how about France? They have always done the right thing and Paris in spring time is wonderful.
- Or, how about Brazil or Argentina? Those two nations have a wonderful history of treating their natives.
- Or would Venezuela be more to your liking?
- How about Germany, Italy, Japan, Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia??? Those great countries have always treated their people well.
If you chose a Muslim country, just let me know and I will gladly pay for a nice black burka. Just be aware, they don't treat females well there and you will be required to convert to Islam. But all in all, they are so much better than the awful USA.
Mare in black...I'm just not sure which one she is...