That was the most goofy question I have read in a good while. Just to go to show you that you are not as bright as you seem
to think you are. There is millions of Americans living in other Countries.
Prove it. Post a link to the emmigration statistics you are using.
Heh heh, is that supposed to be an insult?
That you are once again expecting me to take your word for something as if it were fact?
Believe me I have visited many countries while in the Army, and even if things is cool here in America.
What does your personal experience have to do with anything, even assuming it is true?
You are making the claim that there is a major emmigration of people leaving the US. Please post evidence to support that claim.
Now since you want to talk about the good old US of America. Lets talk about the many dislikes of America.
Ok. Lets.
There is a top 5 list that I have created, and regardless to the change in society these items has bought about some serious issues.
(1): Racism & Discrimination.
Many parts of Europe seem to be having their own racial/discrimination issues with their Middle East immigrants. Non-Muslims are routinely persecuted in Islamic nations such as Iran. Women are discriminated against in Islamic nations as well. China is infamous for it's crackdowns on various religious groups (especially Tibetens and Christians).
Seems to me you could do far worse than America where racism and Discrimination are concerned.
What Economic problem is that? Can you be more specific? Americans enjoy one of the highest standards of living in the world, if not the highest.
(3): A Better Educational System.
Better than what?
The unemployment rate is better than the vast majority of the planet, including much of Europe. For example,
the German unemployement rate is currently 9.2%. Compare that to the
4.4% unemployment rate America currently enjoys.
(5): Poor Housing & Healthcare.
Can you give me an example of the poor housing of the average American, and what you are comparing it to?
American Medical technology is arguably the best in the world.
You do not know what its like.
Irrelevant even if true, since my argument does not rest on the assumption that we "know what it's like".
So don't give me that happy USA bs. Because it
don't covers the poor people that's on my client's list everyday.
The Poor do not represent the majority of Americans. They are the
exception, not the rule.
Though "poor" is relative. I would be willing to bet that the poor in America live far better than the middle class in most other nations. Maybe that is part of the reason so many of them want in.