The US is not a good place to be pregnant.


Staff member
Apr 20, 2007
The Golden State
U.S. Has The Worst Rate Of Maternal Deaths In The Developed World

NPR and ProPublica teamed up for a six-month long investigation on maternal mortality in the U.S. Among our key findings:

  • More American women are dying of pregnancy-related complications than any other developed country. Only in the U.S. has the rate of women who die been rising.

and is, coincidentally, the only modern nation without universal health care and the one that spends the most on health care.... that is a coincidence, right?
This argument gets made in Texas...but when you look at what "maternal mortality" means on those studies, it is often mothers up to a year after giving birth, in some cases who die drug overdoses.

I always take these claims with a grain of salt if the full data set is not shared.
This argument gets made in Texas...but when you look at what "maternal mortality" means on those studies, it is often mothers up to a year after giving birth, in some cases who die drug overdoses.

I always take these claims with a grain of salt if the full data set is not shared.
This is a fake news story.

Figure it how you want.
Propublica is a left-wing extremist news site.

I wouldn't believe their communist propaganda.
Do you see this as a right wing/left wing issue? How so? Is one side against improving the chances of women to deliver healthy babies and stay healthy themselves?
Coming from Propublica ...... definitely a left-wing plot.

But, hey ..... I'm sure you still believe if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor ....


Perhaps partly.

When you say that mortality in childbirth has nothing to do with women's health, then no.

When you make health statistics into a left wing vs. right wing issue, then no again.

Here's more, from another site. There is a lot more of course, much more than could be posted on a discussion board.

With an estimated 26.4 deaths for every 100,000 live births in 2015, America has the highest maternal mortality rate of all industrialized countries—by several times over. In Canada, the rate is 7.3; in Western Europe, the average is 7.2, with many countries including Italy, Norway, Sweden, and Austria showing rates around 4. More women die of childbirth-related causes in the US than they do in Iran (20.8), Lebanon (15.3), Turkey (15.8), Puerto Rico (15.1), China (17.7), and many more.

source: Global Health Data Exchange
Coming from Propublica ...... definitely a left-wing plot.

But, hey ..... I'm sure you still believe if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor ....


You have had four days to support your lies, and *********. However, like the mindless right winger you are, there is nothing here. Kind of like the dead space between your ears.
Typical leftist response.

When you got nuffin' resort to personal attacks.

You parrots truly are all the same.

And again you demonstrate your lack of knowledge on most any subject. Can't prove your lies, just change the topic. Typical for the right wing mindless.

Telling the truth about your stupidity is not a personal attack.
is this true how can this happen why there are people saying is there any proof about this news thnis make me sick as well