The Truth about Obamacare


Active Member
Jan 12, 2014
In this post, the lies from corporate America are underlined, and the truth is in plain text underneath it.

1.Obamacare costs businesses too much, they will have to lay people off.
Obamacare costs the businesses absolutely nothing more than they used to pay for people's healthcare benefits, back when people actually got benefits from work, infact it will cost the businesses less, and already does cost less.

Obamacare isn't socialized medicine, it is a regulatory system that bans insurance companies from milking the public out of far too much money, and from denying people coverage.

2.Obamacare violates people's freedom of Religion.
Fact :
Businesses are not religious institutions, only religious institutions are religious institutions.

Because businesses serve the general public they are not allowed to discriminate based on Race, Creed, Religion, Gender, Sexual Orientation, Age, Disability or National Origin.

In neither their customer clientele, nor amongst their staff, nor in their hiring practices.

They must provide FULL Coverage under the Affordable Care Act, regardless of the employees and/or CEO or Owner, or Manager's religious beliefs.

Non-Profit Religious Institutions, and Businesses have entirely different licenses for entirely different purposes.

3.Obamacare creates a trend towards having the right to healthcare
Fact :
The affordable care act does not give people the right to free healthcare by the government, nor does it create such a trend.

It gives people the right to affordable private sector healthcare under regulation to protect you from price gouging, and problems that previously came from post-Reagan corporate insurance policies, like denial based on pre existing conditions.

Bottom line.

The reason why corporate America hates the Affordable Care Act, is because Corporate America doesn't care about its workers, they don't want to pay for anything and just line their own pockets.

It will not cost the businesses anywhere near too much, infact this is a generous solution to the healthcare problem, in the business world (which I agree with because we need businesses too).

It will do no more damage, than raising the minimum wage to $20 an hour, and the idea that businesses would have to charge more, is bogus.
The same dollar menu at Mc Donalds that exists in Mississippi, also exists in New York, and people earn very much more money in New York and the businesses there pay much more taxes.
This is more accurate...

What You Were Never Told About Obamacare
By Joseph Salerno
Tuesday, January 14th, 2014
While the costs of providing health care insurance are beginning to skyrocket because of Obamacare, insurance company executives are sleeping very soundly. A respected consultant to health insurance companies, Robert Laszewski, revealsthat there are two obscure provisions in Obamacare that guarantee that insurance companies will be subsidized and bailed out by Amercian taxpayers. Indeed the Congressional Budget Office estimates that $1.071 trillion will be coercively transferred from taxpayers to big insurance companies over the next decade.

This massive redistribution of wealth will take place via two programs stealthily embedded in the Affordable Health Care Act. The first is the Reinsurance Program under which large claims are capped for insurers offering individual plans under Obamacare. Insurers pay for claims up to $45,000, while the Federal government picks up 80% of the costs exceeding $45,000 up to a maximum of $250,000. This means that Obamacare is a public-private insurance scheme and that we are already half-way to the “single-payer” insurance program that Obama and his left-wing cronies so keenly pine for. Needless to say, neither President Obama nor the establishment media have publicized this provision of Obamacare.

Obama and his media supporters have also scrupulously avoided public references to the Risk Corridor Program that limits total losses for insurance companies via a complex formula. Basically, under this provision, taxpayers would be on the hook for 75%-80% of an insurance company’s losses. The enormous taxpayer-funded subsidization of costs and socialization of losses will make Obamacare more palatable to insurance companies and the public at least for a while, since insurance companies will not need to raise their premiums as much as they would have if they were forced to bear the full burden of cost increases and the risk of huge losses. This may give this destructive program time to take root and wreak havoc with what quality remains in the American health care system. Should Obamacare become permanent, Americans as taxpayers and as consumers of medical services will spend many sleepless nights worrying about how they will pay their tax bills and where they will find quality medical care.
The lies that people will believe are astounding.

I read a lot of leftist boards and what they know about how the economy works is a joke. They come up with their kind of logic and then get all mad when they're proven wrong. They blame Republicans for everything that ever went wrong.
In this post, the lies from corporate America are underlined, and the truth is in plain text underneath it.

1.Obamacare costs businesses too much, they will have to lay people off.
Obamacare costs the businesses absolutely nothing more than they used to pay for people's healthcare benefits, back when people actually got benefits from work, infact it will cost the businesses less, and already does cost less.

Obamacare isn't socialized medicine, it is a regulatory system that bans insurance companies from milking the public out of far too much money, and from denying people coverage.

2.Obamacare violates people's freedom of Religion.
Fact :
Businesses are not religious institutions, only religious institutions are religious institutions.

Because businesses serve the general public they are not allowed to discriminate based on Race, Creed, Religion, Gender, Sexual Orientation, Age, Disability or National Origin.

In neither their customer clientele, nor amongst their staff, nor in their hiring practices.

They must provide FULL Coverage under the Affordable Care Act, regardless of the employees and/or CEO or Owner, or Manager's religious beliefs.

Non-Profit Religious Institutions, and Businesses have entirely different licenses for entirely different purposes.

3.Obamacare creates a trend towards having the right to healthcare
Fact :
The affordable care act does not give people the right to free healthcare by the government, nor does it create such a trend.

It gives people the right to affordable private sector healthcare under regulation to protect you from price gouging, and problems that previously came from post-Reagan corporate insurance policies, like denial based on pre existing conditions.

Bottom line.

The reason why corporate America hates the Affordable Care Act, is because Corporate America doesn't care about its workers, they don't want to pay for anything and just line their own pockets.

It will not cost the businesses anywhere near too much, infact this is a generous solution to the healthcare problem, in the business world (which I agree with because we need businesses too).

It will do no more damage, than raising the minimum wage to $20 an hour, and the idea that businesses would have to charge more, is bogus.
The same dollar menu at Mc Donalds that exists in Mississippi, also exists in New York, and people earn very much more money in New York and the businesses there pay much more taxes.

Well, this is complete nonsense ... well, not nonsense, exactly ... let's call it misinformation and willful deletion of pertinent information.

For example #1 -

The response fails to acknowledge that the cost of insurance will, in fact, increase because of the addition of 'required' healthcare options, such as birth control, etc. It also fails to note that Obamacare is, in fact, socialized medicine because it takes the right of the people to decide their own healthcare coverage (and a corresponding reaction to healthcare issues) and install that power in the federal government (through its mandates for coverage). It also fails to note that the cost of insurance is going up (due to the increase in deductibles and co-pays), and either the employee or the employer is going to have to fill the shortfall.

Now, example #2 -

Any law that forces an individual to do something that violates his religious tenets is, in fact, counter to the freedom of religion aspect of the Constitution. If I, as a business owner, am forced to do something I do not believe to be moral and ethical in order to meet a government mandate, the government has, by definition, violated my freedom of religion.

Example #3 -

Watch what the right hand is doing while the left hand is moving .... giving people free healthcare (and, it is free if the government subsidizes any or all of it) creates an expectation that the government will continue to provide healthcare. How anyone can say this doesn't lead to an expectation of healthcare boggles the mind.

And, finally, my favorite - the Bottom Line.

As always, no liberal dissertation is complete without a plea to the reader's emotions. It's easy to offer an opinion (with no supporting data), and it's easy to pretend it will make you feel good to sacrifice for others. But, the reality is quite different from the rainbows and gumdrops ....

And, then, to have the temerity to suggest that raising the cost of labor will not adversely affect the economy borders, not on nonsensical, but on pure fantasy. Where do you suppose McDonalds is supposed to find the extra $10-15 per hour to pay each employee? Will higher pay result in higher productivity? Can we expect that a $20/hour burger flipper will flip twice as many burgers per hour than a $10/hour burger flipper? Then, you have to ask yourself - if the burger flipper is producing twice as many burgers, doesn't that mean that one of the current employees can be laid off? What is going to be the cost of the increased unemployment? Who is going to pay it? Where does the money come from?

Sorry - this one doesn't pass the logic test. Increased labor costs (whether it be increased wages or increased healthcare costs), just like increased materiel costs, drives the final product price upward.
Obamacare salespeople will not tell you the truth about universal government healthcare woes because they are not hired to tell the truth. Leftist pundits are hired to propagate the leftist narratives whether true, partly true, or even completely false. Universal government healthcare is not cheap, is not efficient, and is not without serious drawbacks.

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