The self-declared Messiah hurled insults at opponents from his own party


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2014
1. When we mention the Messiah or the Second Coming of God, we would at once think of the perfection, kindness, compassion and forgiveness of Jesus Christ.

Luke 23:34

New King James Version

Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.” And they divided His garments and cast lots.


2. In contrast, the self-declared "Second Coming of God" at the White House behaves like the devil incarnate -- being the most corrupt and mendacious president in US history. In addition to his lies, deception and distortion, he has launched scathing attacks on his opponents, even members of his own party. The excerpts from the following news reports show how mercilessly he mocked John Kasich (69th Governor of Ohio from 2011 to 2019) and Mitt Romney (the junior US senator from Utah since January 2019) during his 2016 presidential election campaign.

Additional Reference:

3. ....The Republican frontrunner blasted his opponents at rally in Rhode Island on Monday, unleashing a barrage of attacks in a speech that was like a greatest hits version of his most popular campaign insults.

Trump tossed in a few new ones, too, like this critique of John Kasich’s table manners.

“If you look at Kasich … did you see him?” a fiery Trump asked the crowd in Warwick, R.I., where he was interrupted several times by protesters in an atmosphere that seemed more carnival-like than usual. “He has the news conference all the time when he’s eating. I’ve never seen a human being eat in such a disgusting fashion.”

But Trump wasn’t done riffing on the Ohio governor’s eating habits.

“I’m always telling my young son, Barron, and I’m always telling my kids — all of them — I say, ‘Children, small, little bites,’” the real estate mogul explained. “This guy takes a pancake and he’s shoving it in his mouth — it’s disgusting. Do you want that for your president? I don’t think so! I don’t think so! Honestly, it’s disgusting.”....

He also compared the Ohio governor to a “stubborn child.”

“I want it, Mommy,” Trump said, mimicking what he sees as Kasich’s argument for the GOP nomination. “I don’t care, Mommy.”.... :)


4. Donald Trump livened up his Tuesday rally in Rome, New York, with an impression of former Republican nominee Mitt Romney supposedly "choking" in the 2012 presidential election....

He then punctuated his point by grabbing his neck to imitate Romney "choking."

"The last election should have been won, except Romney choked like a dog. He choked. He went," Trump paused to grab his neck and imitate choking and then said, "I can't breathe! I can't breathe, he said."

He continued: "Romney choked. ... Romney can't recover from a choke."

Trump contended that Romney "went into a house" and "disappeared" for the last month of the 2012 election.

"What the hell happened to him?" Trump asked....

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2. In contrast, the self-declared "Second Coming of God" at the White House behaves like the devil incarnate -- being the most corrupt and mendacious president in US history. In addition to his lies, deception and distortion, he has launched scathing attacks on his opponents, even members of his own party. The excerpts from the following news reports show how mercilessly he mocked John Kasich (69th Governor of Ohio from 2011 to 2019) and Mitt Romney (the junior US senator from Utah since January 2019) during his 2016 presidential election campaign.

.....Every Republican's Prosperity Theologian!!!!

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