The saga of UShadItComing

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Well you know us Americans, we are a pretty stupid bunch.

would say, that BRAINWASHED is a more fitting adjective as opposed to "stupid". ;) Stupid implies intellectually challenged. Don't think that is the case. Gullible applies too , particularly to the fear engendering propaganda their G. spews.
would say, that BRAINWASHED is a more fitting adjective as opposed to "stupid". ;) Stupid implies intellectually challenged. Don't think that is the case. Gullible applies too , particularly to the fear engendering propaganda their G. spews.

Yes brainwashed, of course you are we are ugly

Gulible? oh I dont know, that sounds sort of inocent... maybe stupid is more fitting..

no no


Americans are ugly and selfish and brainwashed. Oh I hope one day we can at least measure up to the knees of these other wonderful countries out there. Its so sad that we have to be so horrible while the rest of the world is so perfect and grand....

One day perhaps... we also can be something in the world

thanks for helping us out, you know they say knowing what your problem is, is half the battle so maybe in 100 years or so we can be acceptable to the world. If not I am sure the world wouldnt mind holding our pathetic hand and leading us in the right direction...... If we arn't to ignorant to follow that is
would say, that BRAINWASHED is a more fitting adjective as opposed to "stupid". ;) Stupid implies intellectually challenged. Don't think that is the case. Gullible applies too , particularly to the fear engendering propaganda their G. spews.

While its hard to argue the fact of weather Americans are brainwashed...

It should be duly noted that true American morals promote critical thinking and hard nosed fact finding.

That being said.. people like those on this forum are the real future... Men and women who strive to seek the truth, broaden their knowledge and remove the blinders of narrowed objectivity.
IF it is something that is TRUE and a FACT about Ca. Fine , go ahead and INFORM us.

( you might want to examine your MOTIVES for posting it. and how is it RELAVENT to the saga of USHIC............... who obviously left quite an impact on some here.

IF it is just to get back at the criticism posed by a Canadian ..... Well, no matter how bad it is no where near how far down the US has sunk. Add to that, the reality that most Americans are brainwashed by their own propaganda , so they lack credibililty on the grounds of misinformation , lies, and sheer BS propaganda.

Why can't you just let the thread die? Stop posting in and stop freaking out every time NoObamanation mentions something back about Canada.

Someone please lock this stupid thread.
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