The Race Police


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2008
1692: WITCH!

1938: JEW!


2008: RACIST!

The Race Police are part of the Pee See regime infecting this country. When you criticize a black person, you hear the "racist" screech. When you take a position other than the liberal left on any issue touching on race, you are almost sure to hear it. It is heavily ironic that when you criticize "affirmative action", which, when you remove the euphemism, is simply anti-white racial discrimination, you hear it again.

Like the epithets of the past listed above, the "racist" screech is designed to intimidate, to smear, and to silence. It is the last refuge of race hustlers and race card players when logic fails them.

Why do people in this country put up with the Race Police? Why aren't they condemned for what they are?
Why does this country put up with right wing zealots? Why arent they comdemned for what they are?
The country doesn't "put up" with them - when's the last time someone got fired for saying "cracker"?

You would be surprised. In my town the local public works director was recently forced into resignation after calling someone just that. A cracker.

I agree that some things have gotten out of hand. But at the same time there needs to be a certain amount of respect towards those who may not look like us or dont share the same political views.
The Race Police are part of the Pee See regime infecting this country. When you criticize a black person, you hear the "racist" screech. When you take a position other than the liberal left on any issue touching on race, you are almost sure to hear it.

Depends on the criticism. Racism can be a very subtle thing - in many cases we're taught to believe that it is always overt, when that's not the reality. Not anymore, anyway.

It is heavily ironic that when you criticize "affirmative action", which, when you remove the euphemism, is simply anti-white racial discrimination, you hear it again.

Affirmative Action is a socio-economic balancing tool. There's every possibility that, due to Affirmative Action, I didn't get into one or more of the three schools who rejected my applications three years ago. Does it piss me off a little that a black student may have gotten in with lower grades? A little. But then I realize that that that black student probably attended a sub-par public school because he was unable to afford private school (or even locate one that would take him) and that, due to the quality of his education, he did a little worse than me. It all balances out - if he'd had a higher quality high school education, like the one I got in my pearly-white high school in the middle of suburban Massachusetts, he'd probably have outscored me on the SATs.

Protesting Affirmative Action is like kicking a man in the shins then beating him in a footrace and getting angry when people call him the victor and not you, since, in the literal sense, you still beat him.

Like the epithets of the past listed above, the "racist" screech is designed to intimidate, to smear, and to silence. It is the last refuge of race hustlers and race card players when logic fails them.

In some cases, that's true. I've known a few people who've hauled out the cry of "racism!" far too early (and I'll usually try to call it when I see it). However, we shouldn't let that cloud our view of the fact that racism does still exist, it is still a pervasive social problem, and calling people on racist rhetoric is a necessity if any of us really wish to see the problem go away.

Why do people in this country put up with the Race Police? Why aren't they condemned for what they are?

I've been accused of being a part of the "Race Police" (although never in that terminology) on more than one occassion, so I suppose I shouldn't be answering this question. Still, I couldn't help it. I don't put up with it when I think it's overtly inapplicable; however, we might disagree on when that time comes.
Depends on the criticism. Racism can be a very subtle thing - in many cases we're taught to believe that it is always overt, when that's not the reality. Not anymore, anyway.

You're right there, pal. Sometimes it's so subtle that you have to think for hours to decode the ultra-subtle, cryptic, deeply coded racism. Eg, the other day I heard Bush say "God bless America". Sounds fine on the surface, right? But that's how the game is played. Subcousciously, they know people will get the hidden secret message: Why should it just be God Bless America? How about God Bless the Mexicans? God Bless the Africans? The racism is there staring you in the face if you look, but you have to be willing to ferret out the uber-fine, microscopic racism infesting the flowery, deceptive words.

Affirmative Action is a socio-economic balancing tool.

"Affirmative action" is an irrational, unconstitutional policy of racial discrimination that benefits people who were never discriminated against, and penalizes people who are utterly blameless. It overturns our concept of justice, which holds individuals, not groups responsible for their acts, and strikes at the very heart of our concept of the treatment of individuals by the government: the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment.

There's every possibility that, due to Affirmative Action, I didn't get into one or more of the three schools who rejected my applications three years ago. Does it piss me off a little that a black student may have gotten in with lower grades? A little. But then I realize that that that black student probably attended a sub-par public school because he was unable to afford private school (or even locate one that would take him) and that, due to the quality of his education, he did a little worse than me. It all balances out - if he'd had a higher quality high school education, like the one I got in my pearly-white high school in the middle of suburban Massachusetts, he'd probably have outscored me on the SATs.

Would you be, on reflection, able to discern how illogical it is for you to extrapolate your particular circumstances to white people in general? I grew up in the ghetto of toledo ohio - I went to outrageously bad schools - when I entered university - I felt like I had smashed into a brick wall from being ill-prepared. Then I saw blacks, including middle-class children of professionals, getting everything, and I got not much at all. Gosh, sterotypes are pretty stupid, aren't they?

Protesting Affirmative Action is like kicking a man in the shins then beating him in a footrace and getting angry when people call him the victor and not you, since, in the literal sense, you still beat him.

"Affirmative action" is like sending person A to jail because B robbed a bank, and then not returning the stolen money to C who was robbed, but rather to D, because he had the same melanin level as C.

In some cases, that's true. I've known a few people who've hauled out the cry of "racism!" far too early (and I'll usually try to call it when I see it). However, we shouldn't let that cloud our view of the fact that racism does still exist, it is still a pervasive social problem, and calling people on racist rhetoric is a necessity if any of us really wish to see the problem go away.

Why should racist rhetoric, and by that you mean anti-minority racist rhetoric, be given some special attention? Anti-Christian bigotry is pervasive in our society, and doesn't ruffle many peoples feathers. Actual DISCRIMINATION, not just rhetoric, against white males, is pervasive, as is ridicule of them in the media, but hey, let's not get excited about that - their just white males - hee hee. Sorry, I don't subscribe to the anti-racism jihad of Pee See Theology as something that is holier than holy - especially since 95% of the time it's chasing after something that isn't there, and all kinds of other bigotry is given a free pass.
If anything I think the culture of Political Correctness will drive cultures apart rather than bring them together. If ordinary people of different cultures or faiths or sexual orientations cannot speak freely or indeed have to weigh every word or sentence in order to avoid causing unintentional offence then people will start to get uneasy and may simply stop talking with them thus perpetuating the problem.

People are losing perspective on this PC issue!

Just give you an insight into how PC you can get here's one of my favorites

For decades, children have enjoyed singing about the little donkey which is said to have carried the pregnant Mary to Bethlehem. But one group of young singers was ordered to change the traditional lyrics of the Christmas song - because they were said to be "too religious".

Instead of "Little donkey, carry Mary safely on her way", the youngsters were told to sing "carry Lucy" for fear of offending non-Christians.
If anything I think the culture of Political Correctness will drive cultures apart rather than bring them together.

Absolutely, totally dead on target.

If ordinary people of different cultures or faiths or sexual orientations cannot speak freely or indeed have to weigh every word or sentence in order to avoid causing unintentional offence then people will start to get uneasy and may simply stop talking with them thus perpetuating the problem.

People are losing perspective on this PC issue!

Just give you an insight into how PC you can get here's one of my favorites

I keep hearing horrifying Pee See stories come out of the UK - eg, on some patriotic holiday, a town in england decided not to display the Union Jack because it has St. George's cross on it, which might offend muslims. Also, the archibishop of canterbury saying that the UK should eventually have two justice systems - one the existing and one sharia law! Here's a country that has existed a thousand years, and now it's going to let the existence of some foreigners cause it to commit cultural/political suicide. Amazing.
When you criticize a black person, you hear the "racist" screech. When you take a position other than the liberal left on any issue touching on race, you are almost sure to hear it.

Like the epithets of the past listed above, the "racist" screech is designed to intimidate, to smear, and to silence. It is the last refuge of race hustlers and race card players when logic fails them.

Agreed. But, it applies to all minorities as well.
Why? To make up for all of our country's past sins and to free us from guilt.
To make up for all of our country's past sins and to free us from guilt.
.....I hope you've apologised for your part in the slave trade!! And for taughnting that ginger haired girl in the playpark when you were 3 months't you tell me you can't remember her name you think about should be ashamed of yourself!!

Anyway a couple more UK PC gems for you.....

The Union Flag did not fly from Bournemouth Town hall for the Queen's official 80th birthday as no staff were apparently available to hoist the flag as her birthday fell on a Saturday. However, the gay pride flag is to be flown from the hall over a weekend to coincide with the Bournemouth Free Pride Festival which falls on Saturday.

The words of the national anthem are not "inclusive enough" according to Lord Goldsmith who is leading a Citizenship Review for Gordon Brown. He said in an interview, "Some people have suggested we might think about whether there are different words that might be put in place which would be more inclusive."
I should point out that, while witches and Jewish cabals never actually existed, communists really did, and people were justified in calling them out for what they were.

Otherwise I agree libsmasher.
Agreed. But, it applies to all minorities as well.
Why? To make up for all of our country's past sins and to free us from guilt.

Free "us" from guilt???? I don't have any "guilt". How many of your family and friends ever held slaves, or did anything against blacks? Yet everyone with white skin must be swept up in the "guilt". Insane.
I should point out that, while witches and Jewish cabals never actually existed, communists really did, and people were justified in calling them out for what they were.

Otherwise I agree libsmasher.

I, as well as anyone who has ever heard of the Venona Papers would agree - I was trying to frame the OP in terms that the less informed libs could grasp.
I should point out that, while witches and Jewish cabals never actually existed, communists really did, and people were justified in calling them out for what they were.

Otherwise I agree libsmasher.

I remember your giant list of communist conspiraters. Your irrational fear is quite hilarious.

I suppose you think Palmer and his raids were a great thing.
.....I hope you've apologised for your part in the slave trade!! And for taughnting that ginger haired girl in the playpark when you were 3 months't you tell me you can't remember her name you think about should be ashamed of yourself!!

Anyway a couple more UK PC gems for you.....

My spiritual mentor says I'm good to go.

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