The Prophecies of Nostradamus

Normally I don't dox my enemies, but they are so full of themselves and are really nobodies who need a lesson about REAL POWER...

Please contact these "Dog Butchers" here:

They can't see the trouble they are in...
There is a price to pay if you take life if it is merely to show your power, whether it be human or animal...

They've killed hundreds of dogs for something as small as a bite...

Even then you don't kill the animal...

Please email them this link. They can't stand FREE SPEECH for it exposes them for the murdering scum they really are.

They'll get the message, EVENTUALLY!!!

A revelation of part of the secret intentions of Nostradamus: to destroy evil people with DIVINE POWER who live in the FUTURE and are oblivious to their crimes.
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About Phoenix68:

When you silence your worst and most arrogant opposition you know you have won the battle and war, especially on the internet!

Step right up if you dare! Anyone?
Yes, just to show we are not joking we are starting Judgement Day early, or the separation of the sheep from the goats, those for everlasting life and those for everlasting destruction.
Yes, just to show we are not joking we are starting Judgement Day early, or the separation of the sheep from the goats, those for everlasting life and those for everlasting destruction.

Believe me, HELL is too nice a place for them.
I haven't made claims of eternal fire etc. you did so you prove it.

If you can't provide the evidence, that will be my proof you're a nutter.

You are a headless idiot and a nobody. Like the c*nts, to the fire that never stops burning! Proof Enough for you? Enough!
Now it is time to see what real power 👑 looks like. Run, gestapo, run for your lives...

And for Mr. Trump: We could cut off your balls in an instant. We keep you around for a reason, to show everyone what an inadequate leader really looks like.