Most important things in life depend on making the right choices. To do so requires sound judgment, for which neither intellect nor study may suffice; and, whenever in doubt, one need have resort to good advice. It is even the more so in politics, for it is not always a question of "right" or "left," but in choosing rightly and wisely. It’s easy to beblinded by partisanship. You know that you are too partisan when your loyalty to your political party takes precedence over your loyalty to your country. On the subject of politics, in particular, people have become so polemic, and so partisan, that there is no place for argument anymore. The opposing party has become "the enemy." One cannot even agree to disagree for there is no tolerance for opposing views.
It is time for our elected representatives to stop playing politics and do what is needed; and what is needed is compromise - compromise for the good of the country.