The problem of the dumb voter

Thats why you get a Lawyer and Drop your citizenship live in Canada then cash yur ticket so thats the loophole the IRS cant touch your winnings.

nope. it doesn't work the way you think.

the IRS will already have gotten theirs BEFORE you see a dime. any money you make in the US gets taxed in the US. and as if that were not enough, any money you make outside the US gets taxed by the US. see the current public discussion on repatrioted money, it means dropping or lowering the tax penalty on money make outside the country, money that cannot become capital to be invested in the country because it means givin up too much to Uncle Sam for nothing.
Then I can get away with Robbing a bank in Buffalo and head up in Canada i cant be touched. Thats how mexico deals with it when a Mexican robs a bank in US the Mexican government forbids to FBI to enter their country youll have their military facing the feds if they show up. Thats why the Government will never allow the feds near their cartels. Thats up to Mexican government controls the cartels. The only way the Feds can get one of them if theyre illegaly in the US.
Then I can get away with Robbing a bank in Buffalo and head up in Canada i cant be touched. Thats how mexico deals with it when a Mexican robs a bank in US the Mexican government forbids to FBI to enter their country youll have their military facing the feds if they show up. Thats why the Government will never allow the feds near their cartels. Thats up to Mexican government controls the cartels. The only way the Feds can get one of them if theyre illegaly in the US.

we have extradition pacts with Mexico and Canada
we choose not to

You mean Holder chooses not to. He would probably sing like a canary and get Holder in big trouble. There is a son of some big cartel honcho that has been held in a Chicago jail without trial. He says he was working for our Government.

He claims American authorities knew exactly what he was doing and promised him immunity when they met in a downtown Mexico City hotel shortly before his arrest.
"The United States government and its various agencies have a long history of providing benefits, permission and immunity to criminals and their organizations to commit crimes, including murder, in return for receiving information against other criminals," Zambada-Niebla's court filing says, according to the report.

Probably why all those "Fast and Furious" guns where going to Mexico too.
"We have met the enemy and he is us."
- Walt Kelly
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We have no one to blame but ourselves. Contrary to Ronald Reagan’s mantra that "government is the problem," the real problem is us. The intractability of Congress and the lack of political will is symptomatic of a more serious malady afflicting the American people for which we have failed to take responsibility. For those that live in a democracy, they should look first to themselves as responsible for their institutions of government. Ours is a constitutional republic - a representative form of government - and if you will not stand for elected office and serve, then give your support to one who will serve the public interest. The least one can do is cast an informed vote: for what value is the franchise but its exercise? Indeed, it is a fundamental failure of democratic principle when elections are determined by apathy and ignorance. Our elected representatives and officials are a reflection of our society; and, ultimately, ourselves. It is fitting that, in a democracy, the people should have the government they deserve.
"We have met the enemy and he is us."
- Walt Kelly
. . . .

We have no one to blame but ourselves. Contrary to Ronald Reagan’s mantra that "government is the problem," the real problem is us. The intractability of Congress and the lack of political will is symptomatic of a more serious malady afflicting the American people for which we have failed to take responsibility. For those that live in a democracy, they should look first to themselves as responsible for their institutions of government. Ours is a constitutional republic - a representative form of government - and if you will not stand for elected office and serve, then give your support to one who will serve the public interest. The least one can do is cast an informed vote: for what value is the franchise but its exercise? Indeed, it is a fundamental failure of democratic principle when elections are determined by apathy and ignorance. Our elected representatives and officials are a reflection of our society; and, ultimately, ourselves. It is fitting that, in a democracy, the people should have the government they deserve.

true enough and the people took the first step in 2010 to solve this. this government is geared against rapid change and for good reason. lets see if tolerance of a Congress that refuses to act is addressed.
I wish that you were right; but, unhappily, I fear that you are not. The reason being that we believe only what we wish to be true; which we follow blindly.

Most important things in life depend on making the right choices. To do so requires sound judgment, for which neither intellect nor study may suffice; and, whenever in doubt, one need have resort to good advice. It is even the more so in politics, for it is not always a question of "right" or "left," but in choosing rightly and wisely. It’s easy to beblinded by partisanship. You know that you are too partisan when your loyalty to your political party takes precedence over your loyalty to your country. On the subject of politics, in particular, people have become so polemic, and so partisan, that there is no place for argument anymore. The opposing party has become "the enemy." One cannot even agree to disagree for there is no tolerance for opposing views.

It is time for our elected representatives to stop playing politics and do what is needed; and what is needed is compromise - compromise for the good of the country.
I wish that you were right; but, unhappily, I fear that you are not. The reason being that we believe only what we wish to be true; which we follow blindly.

2010 is reality, not just what I wish.

Most important things in life depend on making the right choices. To do so requires sound judgment, for which neither intellect nor study may suffice; and, whenever in doubt, one need have resort to good advice. It is even the more so in politics, for it is not always a question of "right" or "left," but in choosing rightly and wisely. It’s easy to beblinded by partisanship. You know that you are too partisan when your loyalty to your political party takes precedence over your loyalty to your country. On the subject of politics, in particular, people have become so polemic, and so partisan, that there is no place for argument anymore. The opposing party has become "the enemy." One cannot even agree to disagree for there is no tolerance for opposing views.

It is time for our elected representatives to stop playing politics and do what is needed; and what is needed is compromise - compromise for the good of the country.

compromise is what got us where we are. more back scratching will not lead us out. the gravy train is headed toward a cliff, no one disputes that the status quo is otherwise including the current administration. blacks harmed and browns are close enough to bear protection.

of course its not like there is a government in Mexico capable of standing up to the cartels.

If Bush was still in office,,He will get Alberto Gonzales to prositcute the killer in Mexico
The problem with people is that they are egocentric; they only care for what affects themselves, and not others. The problem with business is that it is short-sighted; it cannot see beyond the next quarterly earnings report. The problem with politics is that it is reactionary; its principal concern is getting elected, and then re-elected. And, lastly, the problem with leadership is that it is no better than all of these; which has turned our "Ship of State" into a "Ship of Fools."

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