the problem of Muslims

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Pale rider, I have a question. Let's say you met a Muslim and took the time to get to know him. He tells you that he just wants to worship his God in his way and be left alone (you've affirmed the existence of such people). What would you tell him?
That their silence on terrorism is actually supporting it probably.

And when said that he is therefore a peadaphile because he doesn't speak out about it, he said he doesn't need to because the West has lots of anti-peadaphile organizations while Muslims don't have anti-terrorism organizations.

Well, shock and horror, but I'm afraid they do palerider,

So you are either going to have to retract your comment about silence being a sign of support, because many of the average Muslims have not remained silent over this (they just don't get the media attention) or admit that because you are not part of an active antipeadaphile organization you are a peadaphile.

Which one is it going to be?
And when said that he is therefore a peadaphile because he doesn't speak out about it, he said he doesn't need to because the West has lots of anti-peadaphile organizations while Muslims don't have anti-terrorism organizations.

Which one is it going to be?

Tell me, are you honestly trying to equate a few sites that you quite honestly don't have any idea who is running to a series of laws and legal preccedents that can put one in prison for engaging in an action and can also put one in prison for protecting one who is engaging in the action as is the case with anti pedophilia laws here.

An organization can hardly be compared to THE LAW.
Tell me, are you honestly trying to equate a few sites that you quite honestly don't have any idea who is running to a series of laws and legal preccedents that can put one in prison for engaging in an action and can also put one in prison for protecting one who is engaging in the action as is the case with anti pedophilia laws here.

An organization can hardly be compared to THE LAW.

An anti-peadaphile organization is not the law, it is an organization that supports or tries to tighten etc. anti-peadaphile laws. These anti muslim sites have been set up by average everyday Muslims against jihad, meaning that not every Muslim is silent.
Maybe they think we and our food stinks too.
So what.

9sublime, good points !
And let me hold palerider's feet to the fire once again here by pointing out that the conference in California - attended by representatives of Christianity, Judaism and Islam - was an event in real time, not "some website".
An anti-peadaphile organization is not the law, it is an organization that supports or tries to tighten etc. anti-peadaphile laws. These anti muslim sites have been set up by average everyday Muslims against jihad, meaning that not every Muslim is silent.

You have missed the point entirely. Your pedophile analogy fell flat on its face because we, as a nation, have decided that pedophilia is a crime and have decided that not only will we put pedophiles in jail, but those who attempt to protect them, and those who provide materials to them as well.

Muslim nations have no anti terrorist laws in place, they do not make it illegal to finance terroists, nor do they frown on harboring terrorists. Muslims don't take action against terrorists, because to speak out against them is to identify oneself as a bad muslim and therefore an infidel worthy of being killed by the good muslims.
Maybe they think we and our food stinks too.
So what.

9sublime, good points !
And let me hold palerider's feet to the fire once again here by pointing out that the conference in California - attended by representatives of Christianity, Judaism and Islam - was an event in real time, not "some website".

A confrence? Now that is action. Tell me, did they suggest imprisioning terrorists, or those who harbor or finance terrorists? What sort of program did this confrence suggest to eliminate terrorists from the face of the earth?

What were their suggestions with regard to governments that support terrorists? Did they reccomend sanctions? What about the mullahs that issue edicts demanding jihad, did they suggest that the mullahs should be imprisoned or silenced?
Maybe they think we and our food stinks too.
So what.

9sublime, good points !
And let me hold palerider's feet to the fire once again here by pointing out that the conference in California - attended by representatives of Christianity, Judaism and Islam - was an event in real time, not "some website".

thats the extent of my muslim knowledge sorry i havent ever really given em a second look not even after all that has happened.....................:cool:
thats the extent of my muslim knowledge sorry i havent ever really given em a second look not even after all that has happened.....................:cool:

No problem, I just didn't want "stinky food" to be added to the litany of incriminations against them on this board
fair enough......but WHY DO they eat that nasty smelling stuff? i suppose pizza probably smells nasty to them in fairness....thats all i really know is that some of them enjoy that currie....and they have to face a certain direction when praying several times a day

they have some damn good Hashish i know that!!!
Turkey as well Afghanistan.............the opium dens were something out of a movie as well
THe Problem with Muslims.

How can yo say something like that? this is straightout racism, being Muslim is the same as being Christian or Jewish, it is a religious belief. they are good muslims and bad muslims just like there are good christians and bad christians

Well said Southside. I am a Muslim myself, and most Americans be
tripping off of the beatlejuice from 9-11. Muslims is just like any
other group of human beings. We live a life just like other human
beings do, and we have the rights to protect ourselves.

What is the problem of Muslims? is a narrow minded question.
Maybe the question should be.....What problem do you have with
Muslims? Yeah Southside its racism and discrimination all rolled
into one.

Another way to look at the situation is to question Bush's motive
for going from Country to Coumtry starting confusion. We have
losted more soldiers fighting this WAR by shadow chasing Saddam
who wasn't responsible for 9-11, and yet Americans has failed to
realize that there is TWO types of Muslims. (1): Who believes in
their religion, and (2): The Extremists.