The Present-Debt For Dummies (i.e. Town Hall Whiners)

I never saw where he claimed to be in PA... If that's true, I feel sorry for the state.
Yeah, I'm sure you'd be quite comfortable, here.

James Carville (once) described PA as being....Pittsburgh & Philadelphia...with Alabama in-between.

It's not what you'd consider a hot-bed of intellectual-stimulation.

You'd thrive, here.

Unlike too-many (other) Americans, I've actually experienced the World outside-my-backyard.
I know, it's a sin that inner city kids never get out. So, you think you're the only one who has traveled? Lol. It sounds to me like you just got run out of more places than most.

Shaman, you wouldn't know the first thing about being white, intelligent or curious. You just blame everyone else for your entire race's problems. You're not unique in the least.
Green's your natural-color, right?
No, WHITE. Lol.

Are you assuming that you have traveled more than I? Bet not, "non skippy". But I understand that getting out of the inner city is a big deal for you. I'm so happy for you.
Too bad you had to go back because apparently you couldn't keep up with those outside your hood.