Dawkinrocks might be right. The Pope job is too hard for a ordinary man. But with good help there have been many good and effective Popes. I hope this will happen in the future. Dogtower I am not sure ex Pope Benedict broke any rules. He was just too old and sick to clean up the mess. I hope the next Pope will be young and fit, rely on God and able to see the problems objectively and punish those who break the rules no matter who thy age.
Steveox, I agree having no back up system will be good. The Pope will have no influence of who his successor is. He unlike ex Presidents has made a vow to obey his successor.
pope ben could only so much regarding sexual shennigans for any number of reasons not the least of which.is pushback from the bishops and cardinals. he does not rule absolutly. i do think he did as well as could be expevted. nobody will do better irrespective of age because the real reason for their.very measured response is a monitary one.