The Path to 9/11 on ABC

I watched this as well. I thought it was presented well and did a good job. It definitely made you remember that day. It also got you pretty upset at our government, but who's to know how much of it was true!
How do you know it never occured? According to the records (official and personal interviews) it did. The portrayal was fictional because there weren't cameras there when it happened, but the incident is factual.
Their has been no evidence to suggest it has occured and it has been disputed by key witnesses.
I personally thought it was nothing but a political ploy. Those that made it, those that wrote it, and those that decided what to show and what not to show, if you take a good hard look at who they are, you can trace them right back to the white house - and if you take a good look at what was going on in the world at the moment those things were being shown on tv you can see what a blatent distraction it was meant to be.
But they weren't easy on the White House either. They made points that they also dropped the ball. I didn't think that it was skewed either way.