The old dinosaur ( Helen Thomas ) is dead at 92


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Washington journalist Helen Thomas dies at 92

Veteran White House journalist Helen Thomas died on Saturday after battling a long illness, the Associated Press reports. She began reporting on John F. Kennedy’s White House for United Press International in 1961 and built a reputation for her tenacious questioning over 10 presidencies. The end of her career was marked by controversy, when a video surfaced in 2010 of Thomas saying that Jews in Palestine should go home to “Poland, Germany … and America and everywhere else.”
That's what Bill Orelly called her an old dinosaur. Looked like one too.
She was not a journalist, but she was a left wing hack.

Pioneering female journalist Helen Thomas, who died last Saturday at 92 after covering 10 presidents, believed that White House reporters had become spineless "lap dogs" of presidents and that the press corps needed to be more left-wing because "liberal correspondents are more honest," according to a just-published interview.
"There is no such thing anymore as the liberal press. I'm searching for a liberal," she told a researcher for Brookings Institution scholar Stephen Hessas part of his historic project to chart the lives and careers of 450 Washington journalists.

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