The Obama versus Osama Smackdown 9/11 Tour"


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2011
Coming to a city near you, it's the 2011 "Obama versus Osama Smackdown 9/11 Tour".

Now that Osama Bin Laden is fish food.........

We don't want to "spike the ball".

We don't want to "do a victory lap".

And we certainly don't want to "offend" the Muslims and Islamo-terrorists.

So, the "official" photos of a dead Osama Bin Laden will not be released by the U.S. government.

Instead, Barack Obama will be coming to a city near you, to make sure that all of America knows that it was he, and he alone, who was able to find and kill Osama Bin Laden.

There will be wreath-laying ceremonies, meetings with families of 9/11 victims, speeches laced with plenty of "me and I" references, and Obama will be patting himself on the back so much that he will require reconstructive surgery on both of his elbows when this tour is over.

Step right up. Come one. Come all. Feast your eyes on the biggest FREAK SHOW since P.T. Barnum was selling snake oil and displaying mermaids and hairy ape women.
once again, mindless attacking of Obama because even getting Bin Laden is just not enough.

Glenn Beck can have confetti, a marching band and cookies...but Obama going to ground zero and putting down a wreath and talking to the 911 first responders...noooo thats horrible.

pathetic crying by someone not big enough to give credit when do...and by credit I also mean the first responders and other 911 victims in NYC..who I doubt where unhappy to see the president come to the site and talk to them...after ordering the death of the man who caused it..

What no attacking Rudy? must be the republican name badge gets him a free pass?
Maybe my saturation point is lower than most people, but in the past year I have gotten really tired of seeing Obama's face on TV. It seems like he is on the news every night.

And the words plus the gestures, the rhythm of it all sounds so much the same. It's kind of like watching a newscaster read the news - except there is no "roll the tape" to break up the same ole' way of delivering the news. Just the same 'point here, turn the head there, nod, smile, knit your brow, etc'.

To be fair, I can remember feeling the same way with Reagan. Maybe its just that they both have such a defined "Hollywood" style that the gestures seem choreographed. I read recently that Obama had the news media hang around after he delivered his "Osama bin Ladin is Dead" speech so he could re-shoot his entry to the podium (what do they call that, take-two?). Here, at this historical moment, the President wanted to make sure everything looked right for posterity. Kind of like Martin Luther King doing a re-take of his "I've got a dream speech".

To be honest, I have judged his merit after a year in office based on performance. The fact that he is always in a campaign mode really doesn't affect me.

As you point out, TS, you can read him like a book and judge exactly what he is going to do next. Only two things surprised me during his entire administration. One was when he was meeting with Republicans at Blair House to discuss health care - and he reminded John McCain that he was the one who won the election.

The second surprising moment was when he gave the order for a 100% US operation to go in and murder Osama bin Ladin. [Note: some disagreement exists over the exact rules of engagement specified by the President. Some say it was a "a kill-or-capture mission"]. Anyway, Obama obviously knew the international legal and political implications of giving orders to execute someone. That took balls and I admire him for it.

The rest of the time he has looked and acted like a kid that was in way over his head as President of the United States.
once again, mindless attacking of Obama because even getting Bin Laden is just not enough.

Glenn Beck can have confetti, a marching band and cookies...but Obama going to ground zero and putting down a wreath and talking to the 911 first responders...noooo thats horrible.

pathetic crying by someone not big enough to give credit when do...and by credit I also mean the first responders and other 911 victims in NYC..who I doubt where unhappy to see the president come to the site and talk to them...after ordering the death of the man who caused it..

What no attacking Rudy? must be the republican name badge gets him a free pass?

I gave Obama credit for Osama being dead, in just about all of the "Osama is dead" topics in this forum. But you apparently didn't read all of that.

Obama is back to being a hypocrite and a grand-stander, so I'm going to call him on it.

Quit whining and sniveling and drink some more Kool-Aid. You'll be fine.
Maybe my saturation point is lower than most people, but in the past year I have gotten really tired of seeing Obama's face on TV. It seems like he is on the news every night.

And the words plus the gestures, the rhythm of it all sounds so much the same. It's kind of like watching a newscaster read the news - except there is no "roll the tape" to break up the same ole' way of delivering the news. Just the same 'point here, turn the head there, nod, smile, knit your brow, etc'.

To be fair, I can remember feeling the same way with Reagan. Maybe its just that they both have such a defined "Hollywood" style that the gestures seem choreographed. I read recently that Obama had the news media hang around after he delivered his "Osama bin Ladin is Dead" speech so he could re-shoot his entry to the podium (what do they call that, take-two?). Here, at this historical moment, the President wanted to make sure everything looked right for posterity. Kind of like Martin Luther King doing a re-take of his "I've got a dream speech".

To be honest, I have judged his merit after a year in office based on performance. The fact that he is always in a campaign mode really doesn't affect me.

As you point out, TS, you can read him like a book and judge exactly what he is going to do next. Only two things surprised me during his entire administration. One was when he was meeting with Republicans at Blair House to discuss health care - and he reminded John McCain that he was the one who won the election.

The second surprising moment was when he gave the order for a 100% US operation to go in and murder Osama bin Ladin. [Note: some disagreement exists over the exact rules of engagement specified by the President. Some say it was a "a kill-or-capture mission"]. Anyway, Obama obviously knew the international legal and political implications of giving orders to execute someone. That took balls and I admire him for it.

The rest of the time he has looked and acted like a kid that was in way over his head as President of the United States.

Very well said, Hobo. I couldn't agree more!
Coming to a city near you, it's the 2011 "Obama versus Osama Smackdown 9/11 Tour".

Now that Osama Bin Laden is fish food.........

We don't want to "spike the ball".

We don't want to "do a victory lap".

This is nuanced and I applaud stopping Bin Laden and I applaud that justice was done.

However, war is not a game and when an enemy soldier or even a terrorist dies we do not need to rejoice in his death. His death as anyones death is sad - but apparently necessary.

And we certainly don't want to "offend" the Muslims and Islamo-terrorists.
We don't want to offend them for no reason. We also don't want to abandon being who we are. .

So, the "official" photos of a dead Osama Bin Laden will not be released by the U.S. government.

Showing the body is a judgment call and any president could have gone either way

Instead, Barack Obama will be coming to a city near you, to make sure that all of America knows that it was he, and he alone, who was able to find and kill Osama Bin Laden.

Well he is not one to pass up an opportunity to self-aggrandize.

There will be wreath-laying ceremonies, meetings with families of 9/11 victims, speeches laced with plenty of "me and I" references, and Obama will be patting himself on the back so much that he will require reconstructive surgery on both of his elbows when this tour is over.

I would hope that the focus would be on the families and country and not on the president. I fear you are right.
I'm ok with the left gloating over this. Like everything else they do this will have a honeymoon period and then *poof* its gone.

Here's a comment left by one very persistent liberal today on another board

"conservatives" start wars. Progressives finish them!!!! ;-)

Digest that for a second, the war is now over?!? Barack Obama has ENDED the war against al Qaeda?

Lets take this even further...Democrats started the Korean war, and Eisenhower ended it. Democrats started Vietnam and Nixon ended it. Democrats started the Cold War, and Bush/Reagan ended it. On no level is this statement factual or correct.

We all put up with kooks all the time, so it would be easy to write this ***** off.

The problem is The View, Joy Behar, thinks we should skip the next election, and she's only joining the chorus of liberal Johnny-come-lately's to the war hawk bandwagon that was built only a few days ago.

Lets get something straight, liberals, when I go to the bathroom I remember to drop my pants first, that's about how much intelligence Barack Obama needed to authorize this operation.

That's right, AUTHORIZE. He didn't plan it, he didn't execute it, he didn't do anything to actually gather the intel needed to make sure it was even worth executing. He simply ok'd the hard work of others, which is to his credit, but IT ENDS THERE!


The United States military created a masterpiece of a fingerpainting at school and Obama hung it on his fridge. While that's a good thing, and we don't need to cancel any elections over it, this is a man who has turned our economy into a broken outhouse. He is steering our government's credit rating toward a cliff that bottoms out at Hell, and the only business benefiting from his presidency are golf ball manufacturers.

This is hardly the ace up his sleeve he'll need in any of the coming presidential debates that will shut down his GOP challenger...I mean, really now...

GOP guy: This president has recklessly piled a trillion dollar entitlement on top of our already trillion dollar deficits

Obama: Don't let that right-wing flabbajabba make you forget that my health care bill lead to the whereabouts and death of Osama bin Laden!

GOP guy: that Biden in a mask?.....Uh, why has your "stimulus" not reduced unemployment as promised?

Obama: Look at this picture of Osama with his eyeballs shot out and tell me the stimulus isn't working!

Even a broken clock is right twice a day, and Obama is slightly smarter than one of those. Having said that, I now don't want liberals to ever accuse me of never saying anything nice about their guy.
once again, mindless attacking of Obama because even getting Bin Laden is just not enough.

Glenn Beck can have confetti, a marching band and cookies...but Obama going to ground zero and putting down a wreath and talking to the 911 first responders...noooo thats horrible.

Only 15 9-11 families were invited - my guess is they must have been deemed "politically reliable". Most of the rest probably in any case wouldn't want to degrade the memory of their dead relatives by being used in an obozo photo-op whose main purpose is use in the 2012 election campaign.