The New Patriotism


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2007
Horse Country
Our government is robbing us blind and then they use the money to do exactly the opposite of what we want and exactly what is bad for us.

Meanwhile we hear that it is patriotic to pay taxes and while they are saying it more and more of them are found to not be paying their taxes. Don't our leaders demonstrate patriotism for all of us to follow?

The more money that goes to Washington the worse the country suffers. A real economic stimulus package would involve all the citizens of this country spending their own money as they saw fit. Daschle knew that he could decide what to do with his money better than the gov did or he would not have kept it. In fact, if the best thing to do with your money is to pay taxes then he should pay those two years that he did not pay because the statute of limitations had run out (wow he has been patriotic for a long time). If paying taxes is patriotic then we should pay more than we owe. Or...

Could it be that cheating on your taxes is the patriotic thing to do? As an act of civil disobedience of course. No lying and no fraud. Just don't pay the beast and then when the IRS comes to get you, you accept your consequences.
Could it be that cheating on your taxes is the patriotic thing to do? As an act of civil disobedience of course. No lying and no fraud. Just don't pay the beast and then when the IRS comes to get you, you accept your consequences.

I hope many will refuse to pay. If hundreds or thousands or tens of thousands refused to pay or even file what can the government do?

they can not put tens of thousands of people in jail. They can get one guy here or there but they cant get masses of people
I hope many will refuse to pay. If hundreds or thousands or tens of thousands refused to pay or even file what can the government do?

they can not put tens of thousands of people in jail. They can get one guy here or there but they cant get masses of people

I imagine most people would be afraid that they would be the only ones to step up to the plate.

They will probably cheat in the literal sense of the word and lie and commit fraud to evade taxes. I could not advocate tax evasion - that is illegal. But I could understand how people would do it.
I get back more than I pay so I wont cheat but for those who have to pay I think they should unite into the biggest group they can and revolt! It would be like the Boston Tea Party. It could start a revolution if hundreds of thousands did it.
I get back more than I pay so I wont cheat but for those who have to pay I think they should unite into the biggest group they can and revolt! It would be like the Boston Tea Party. It could start a revolution if hundreds of thousands did it.

How many have been willing to do the simple step of just mailing a tea bag to their representatives. Sadly, not that many.

Oh, and about your getting back more than you pay: If they allow you to pay less federal taxes knowing full well that you only pay less because you can deduct your real estate taxes then don't they really just care that you pay one or the other. Ditto with state income taxes. And while you don't get to deduct sales tax you still get to pay it. Doesn't this seem more like a shell game than anything else?
The more money that goes to Washington the worse the country suffers. A real economic stimulus package would involve all the citizens of this country spending their own money as they saw fit.
Yeah....the BUSHCO Pre-War Tax-Cut (the 1%ers spent on yachts & multiple vacation-homes) has done wonders for this Country's infrastructure.

I'm really anxious to see how the most-recent mega-bonuses will impact our educational-efforts.

Yeah....the BUSHCO Pre-War Tax-Cut (the 1%ers spent on yachts & multiple vacation-homes) has done wonders for this Country's infrastructure.

I'm really anxious to see how the most-recent mega-bonuses will impact our educational-efforts.

Why do you hate people that are successful.? What did they do to you? You sound so oppressed.. It makes me wonder.
The belief that people who earn should keep is not a belief. Just ask your fearless leader. He makes millions. He's in the top 1%. As well as many other dems and repubs in congress.
Yeah....the BUSHCO Pre-War Tax-Cut (the 1%ers spent on yachts & multiple vacation-homes) has done wonders for this Country's infrastructure.

I'm really anxious to see how the most-recent mega-bonuses will impact our educational-efforts.


The Bush tax cuts were fair. Everyone benefited according to what they paid in. And they helped the economy which had started a recession at the time and then pulled out of it when the tax cuts kicked in.

The economy never got strong and even got worse because Bush grew the size of government hugely and because our overseas competition has become more of a challenge. The results of these two factors was that we had a smaller private sector competing against a stronger foreign private sector.:D

Edit: Man! I tried to make my post as hard to read as Shamans but even after screwing around with it for a few minutes it is still a thousand times better. I have to admit the guys got talent for messing stuff up.
I hope many will refuse to pay. If hundreds or thousands or tens of thousands refused to pay or even file what can the government do?

they can not put tens of thousands of people in jail. They can get one guy here or there but they cant get masses of people

Fine dont pay, enjoy jail. Also lets all not pay, who needs cops roads, a army, schools....But yes dont pay. Also please dont use any public goods after that, I mean lets be fair at least..
Why do you hate people that are successful.? What did they do to you? You sound so oppressed.. It makes me wonder.
The belief that people who earn should keep is not a belief. Just ask your fearless leader. He makes millions. He's in the top 1%. As well as many other dems and repubs in congress.

Why do you hate America?
Fine dont pay, enjoy jail. Also lets all not pay, who needs cops roads, a army, schools....But yes dont pay. Also please dont use any public goods after that, I mean lets be fair at least..

hopefully enough will revolt, too many to jail. a protest to the crap they keep spending tax money on.

no one has an issue with roads or police, well the ultra libs probably hate both of those but the normal person doesnt mind paying for that. Its the other loads of crap egg head and pelosi want to shove down our throats that people clearly dont like.

by the way I never pay taxes, I get back more than they take every year. I guess in reality its welfair, they stole it from others who made more and gave it to me. I think its sick but I figure every dollar I take is one abortion some other sucker tax payer doesnt pay for. I would vote to end that in a heart beat even though its me who wouldn't get the money

its wrong to take from one person and give it to another
Fine dont pay, enjoy jail. Also lets all not pay, who needs cops roads, a army, schools....But yes dont pay. Also please dont use any public goods after that, I mean lets be fair at least..

I notice that you didn't list any bs programs? You probably know as much as I do that the government should just cut all the bs programs and stick to cops and roads.

If they just learned to do what all the rest of us have to do - live within a budget- they could easily easily fund all the gov services with a very fair and low tax.

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