.....aka More-O'-The-$AME.
I notice you have had nothing constructive to say about the original topic of the thread. If you do not want to actually discuss the solution, then stop responding in this thread.
.....aka More-O'-The-$AME.
Yeah, let's simply give the Bush-family one o' their (own) "passes", for being THE common-denominator for EXCESSIVE FEDERAL-DEBT, since 1980!!!I notice you have had nothing constructive to say about the original topic of the thread. If you do not want to actually discuss the solution, then stop responding in this thread.
Yeah, let's simply give the Bush-family one o' their (own) "passes", for being THE common-denominator for EXCESSIVE FEDERAL-DEBT, since 1980!!!
Ya' got a small-problem with the obvious, huh?![]()
Make damned sure those a$$holes never-again get NEAR The Whitehouse!!The thread started by saying this is for debate on solutions only. Then a possible solution was offered and the floor was open to tweaks and other ideas.
Your solution: "It was Bush's fault."
Well OK. So what now?
In his speech to the Democratic National Convention on Monday night, President Clinton spoke of his record in managing the national economy. He most emphatically took credit not only for the size and shape of the current economic expansion, but also magnified his achievement by characterizing the economy he inherited in 1993 as an abysmal one: “Our economy was in trouble, our society was divided, our political system was paralyzed. Ten million of our fellow citizens were out of work. Interest rates were high. The deficit was $290 billion and rising. After 12 years of Republican rule, the federal debt had quadrupled, imposing a crushing burden on our economy and our children.”
full essay here
Make damned sure those a$$holes never-again get NEAR The Whitehouse!!
That'd suit ME!!!
Besides....dealing with the Debt requires no magic. It's BEEN DONE!!!!!!
I've often said.....It's like 1992.....all-over-AGAIN!!!!!!Shaman you may like to read this............
This article is from 2000 and highly outdated and basically irrelevant to present day solution discussions.
1) National debt currently sits in excess of 10 trillion dollars.
2) This means that your "share" sits at something like $30,000 a person. (give or take) I would argue however that based on income distribution throughout the country, the actual "per share" is somewhat different per person.
3) Given this, if a taxpayer was given an incentive to "pay their share", would they do it?
4) If offered the option to "pay off their share" of the debt in exchange for further tax breaks and other incentives, like double or triple the amount paid qualifies for a tax write-off that can be carried over year to year and spread out, would anyone take it?
For example if I paid $50,000 to pay off my share, I could then write $150,000 dollars off my tax returns whenever I wanted. In small increments, or one lump sum, and it never expired.
5) While obviously we need tax revenue to still run the country, we would need to stagger the years that people could qualify to do this.
For example:
Year 1: Tax bracket X
Year 2: Tax bracket Y
Year 3: Tax bracket Z
and so on, until everyone has been encompassed into the system.
6) I think that the lower tax rates as an incentive and the big tax write-offs are a good incentive to get people on board perhaps with this idea. Lower tax rates, over time do generate more revenue in a good economy, so if given time to implement the entire plan, I think the revenue boost would offset the small timeframe that might have a shortfall.
7) Of course this would require spending to be somewhat more controlled as well, but I feel that even if this plan only successfully dropped the debt 30-50% it would have been a huge success. Also, we could set a goal of simply shaving off a few trillion, as opposed to paying it all off, and I think we would have success.
Also, we should take into account the debt of other countries that we own, which could lower this figure a bit, and then attempt to tackle that figure.
Thoughts, comments, other ideas? I am anxious to hear the response.
....Until it directly-affects you....right?
I'd settle for ZERO Federal-subsidies for PRIVATELY-OWNED COMPANIES!
Make damned sure those a$$holes never-again get NEAR The Whitehouse!!
That'd suit ME!!!
Besides....dealing with the Debt requires no magic. It's BEEN DONE!!!!!!
The plan is brilliant. I'd actually go for this plan... if it would work.
Problem is, I know for a fact it will not. In fact, it likely won't even get supported, sadly enough.
The upper middle class and upper class, will dig this big time. A major deduction plus long term tax reduction, will more than offset the short term debt payment. The economics of this idea are perfect.
Will not Pass:
Remember all socialists view all income as their income. It's their money. Thus they will always be for a tax, and against a tax cut. Some tax cuts they can't argue against, and begrudgingly support. But any tax cut that effects the 'rich', will automatically be opposed on the basis of class warfare. The ignorant public, at least half of which is ignorant enough to believe what they are told, will always buy that argument.
Provided the plan were to pass, it is automatic that all those with any wealth will undoubtedly take advantage of it. However, the middle class, lower middle, and lower class, will likely not take advantage of it.
This is because, most of the people in those classes, are in those classes because they make poor financial choices. For example, a college student who blows his money on a flashy sporty car, that by the end of college will be worthless, instead of saving the money for a down payment on a home when he gets married. OR for example a guy working at a car dealership as a janitor, who blows his money on beer and lotto tickets, instead of buy a book on car repair and learning a skill that will move him out of the lower class bracket.
These people, and those like them, are nearly all notoriously have a negative net worth, meaning they own more money in debts, than they have in assets and cash. I too have a negative net worth due to massive screw ups eight years ago. Although I cut up all my credit cards, closed all my loans out, and am nearly paid off.
Point is, these people are likely not going to make wise financial choices, given they have not done so yet. And many, even if they now are wise enough to do so, don't have the net worth to do it, like myself.
In under a year, the democrats, anxious to end all reduction in taxes, will look at the numbers and realize that the plan has benefitted more rich people than poorer people, and eliminate the whole thing. Although it will be true, it will be true because of the choices of the people, not because the plan was bad. But that doesn't matter to a socialist.
Although, once again, a brilliant plan mathematically, you correctly state that it will only succeed if spending is curtailed. This won't happen. Look back at the supposed 'surplus' in the late 90s. Even though there was no actual surplus, even with the fabricated surplus, the politicians looked, not to reducing our debt, but to what they might spend it on.
This will happen no matter what method they use to get a surplus. If they implement this plan, and billions roll in, they will not use it to pay down the debt, but rather to what new "voter bribe" program they can fund. Or even if they do use it to pay down the debt, they will over spend in the general budget even more, knowing that debt payments will conceal their massive deficits.
Of course this leads me to my solution, which is simply, the constitution as written. By simply eliminating all programs that are not constitutionally the duty of the federal government, the budget can be reduced by trillions, all of which could be used to pay off debt. The entire national debt could be eliminated in roughly 8 years, by simply following the constitution.
BEEN there!!!!!It is not relevant because of the economic state, and the massive spending we are currently undergoing.
"Clinton thought he was inheriting a $360 billion federal budget deficit when it was in fact twice as much. He thought he was inheriting a nation with a $5.6 trillion debt and it turns out to be a $14 trillion debt."