The inconsequential IPCC proves its own insignificance and incompetence by contemplating an insane arrest warrant for Netanyahu.

So you are worried about babies and not adults. Then this should make your blood boil:

The National Right to Life Committee (NRLC), the nation's oldest pro-life organization, estimates that 63,459,781 abortions have taken place since 1973. That estimate was gathered by tracking data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Guttmacher Institute, which previously served as a research arm of the nation's preeminent abortion provider, Planned Parenthood.
So you are worried about babies and not adults. Then this should make your blood boil:

The National Right to Life Committee (NRLC), the nation's oldest pro-life organization, estimates that 63,459,781 abortions have taken place since 1973. That estimate was gathered by tracking data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Guttmacher Institute, which previously served as a research arm of the nation's preeminent abortion provider, Planned Parenthood.
Fetuses are not babies. I say every woman OWNS her own body, and no state owns anyone's body. A woman has every right to choose to have a baby or not have a baby. And you do not.
Fetuses are not babies. I say every woman OWNS her own body, and no state owns anyone's body. A woman has every right to choose to have a baby or not have a baby. And you do not.
Oh no. Godbothering republicans feel it's a personal instruction from god to take his word from the Bible and insert it into the womb.
They are not pro life. They are pro birth. After the kids born they position themselves on street corners ridiculing unmarried mothers.
But never adopt one. Hell no. Not a bastard child. They are so compassionate.
Fetuses are not babies. I say every woman OWNS her own body, and no state owns anyone's body. A woman has every right to choose to have a baby or not have a baby. And you do not.

Are Unborn Babies Human?​

When abortion first became legalized, it gained acceptance primarily because of one assumption: unborn babies were not considered human beings.
An unborn baby was termed a “clump of cells.” If a fetus is just a clump of cells, abortion is no different than pulling a tooth or having a tumor removed. Of course, a woman should have the right to any medical procedure she chooses when it applies to her own body.
This argument seemed plausible. Apart from the modern ultrasound tech, many people had no idea what occurred during pregnancy. For many years the abortion debate amounted to a “he said, she said” argument: I say it’s human, and you say it’s not.
Then the Argument Changed

Did you know?

  • In recent years, modern medicine has revealed the truth about unborn babies, overwhelmingly confirming that an unborn baby is human. Even “Pro-abortion” biologists agree.

Are Unborn Babies Human?​

When abortion first became legalized, it gained acceptance primarily because of one assumption: unborn babies were not considered human beings.
An unborn baby was termed a “clump of cells.” If a fetus is just a clump of cells, abortion is no different than pulling a tooth or having a tumor removed. Of course, a woman should have the right to any medical procedure she chooses when it applies to her own body.
This argument seemed plausible. Apart from the modern ultrasound tech, many people had no idea what occurred during pregnancy. For many years the abortion debate amounted to a “he said, she said” argument: I say it’s human, and you say it’s not.
Then the Argument Changed

Did you know?

  • In recent years, modern medicine has revealed the truth about unborn babies, overwhelmingly confirming that an unborn baby is human. Even “Pro-abortion” biologists agree.
They have human cells no one argues that
If someone cuts off your finger is that murder?
They have human cells no one argues that
If someone cuts off your finger is that murder?
Cutting off your finger does not make two humans. Killing an unborn baby turns two living humans into one living human and one dead human.
Cutting off your finger does not make two humans. Killing an unborn baby turns two living humans into one living human and one dead human.
But your finger has human cells, correct? You whine about killing human cells when it suits your bigotry
Abortion doesn't make two humans either, *****
When we can clone a human fromva finger will that be murder then? Lol
So you believe in immaculate conception and miracles and virgin births yet I'm delusional???
Father-son Hamas terrorists casually describe taking turns raping Israeli woman, then executing her

Bone-chilling footage shows a man and his teenage son casually explaining how they took turns raping a woman before executing her. WARNING: Distressing.

Reuven Fenton and Olivia Land - NY Post

4 min read

May 24, 2024 - 3:26PM



Hamas torments captured...

Harrowing video released on... more

View more related videos

WARNING: Distressing content

Bone-chilling new footage shows a Hamas terrorist and his teenage son casually telling Israeli interrogators how they took turns raping a woman, then executed her during the October 7 terror rampage.

Jamal Hussein Ahmad Radi, 47, and his son, Abdallah, 18, were seized by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in the Gaza Strip this spring and subsequently questioned about the terror attack, The Daily Mail revealed.

Jamal described finding a woman who was “screaming” and “crying” in a house at Kibbutz Nir Oz, a community near the Israel-Gaza border.

“I did what I did, I raped her,” he said nonchalantly.

“I threatened her with my gun to take her clothes off, I remember she was wearing jean shorts, that’s about it.”


Jamal Hussein Ahmad Radi and his son were captured by the IDF. Picture: Supplied


‘My father raped her, then I did and then my cousin did,’ Abdallah said. Picture: Supplied

Jamal claimed he did not know what happened to the woman after the rape, but his teen son told the interrogator that his father killed the desperate victim.

“My father raped her, then I did and then my cousin did and then we left but my father killed the woman after we finished raping her,” Abdallah said in his own interview tape
Father-son Hamas terrorists casually describe taking turns raping Israeli woman, then executing her

Bone-chilling footage shows a man and his teenage son casually explaining how they took turns raping a woman before executing her. WARNING: Distressing.

Reuven Fenton and Olivia Land - NY Post

4 min read

May 24, 2024 - 3:26PM



Hamas torments captured...

Harrowing video released on... more

View more related videos

WARNING: Distressing content

Bone-chilling new footage shows a Hamas terrorist and his teenage son casually telling Israeli interrogators how they took turns raping a woman, then executed her during the October 7 terror rampage.

Jamal Hussein Ahmad Radi, 47, and his son, Abdallah, 18, were seized by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in the Gaza Strip this spring and subsequently questioned about the terror attack, The Daily Mail revealed.

Jamal described finding a woman who was “screaming” and “crying” in a house at Kibbutz Nir Oz, a community near the Israel-Gaza border.

“I did what I did, I raped her,” he said nonchalantly.

“I threatened her with my gun to take her clothes off, I remember she was wearing jean shorts, that’s about it.”


Jamal Hussein Ahmad Radi and his son were captured by the IDF. Picture: Supplied


‘My father raped her, then I did and then my cousin did,’ Abdallah said. Picture: Supplied

Jamal claimed he did not know what happened to the woman after the rape, but his teen son told the interrogator that his father killed the desperate victim.

“My father raped her, then I did and then my cousin did and then we left but my father killed the woman after we finished raping her,” Abdallah said in his own interview tape
How is that connected to what I said?
You're out of your tree.
But your finger has human cells, correct? You whine about killing human cells when it suits your bigotry
Abortion doesn't make two humans either, *****
When we can clone a human fromva finger will that be murder then? Lol
No matter how you try to twist it unborn human babies are still human babies.

Aborted baby found in DC.


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