The guilt is killing him.



Eric Swalwell Pronounces "Time Of DEATH" For GOP’s Biden Impeachment
March 20, 2024



The guilt is now killing all the republicans in here. Defence of the idiot can only be sustained until it all goes pear shaped. That is what's is happening.
And weren't not even at the pointy end yet. I think it was Trump who boasted "you ain't seen nothing yet" when boasting about his political prowess.
I have to agree with that.

Although, I can sincerely understand the embarrassment republicans are feeling because they were conned. It should be a lesson to all of them.
I believe that Trump is WORSE than they claim. Once Trump is pushing up the daisies, we will hear more about his gross incompetence and disgusting acts.

Will there be pee tapes? It would not surprise me.
I believe that Trump is WORSE than they claim. Once Trump is pushing up the daisies, we will hear more about his gross incompetence and disgusting acts.

Will there be pee tapes? It would not surprise me.
Old Democrat KKK devotee: 'Blacks are stupid, crooked, and uncivilized.'
Faithful disciples of Hitler: 'Jews are subhuman and a scourge of society and must be exterminated.'
Leftist lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God: 'Unborn babies do not deserve to live if their mother or dad does not want them to interrupt their lives by being born.'
Democrat politicians to the basest of their base: 'Christian conservatives are deplorable and Trump is of the devil.'
Old Democrat KKK devotee: 'Blacks are stupid, crooked, and uncivilized.'
Faithful disciples of Hitler: 'Jews are subhuman and a scourge of society and must be exterminated.'
Leftist lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God: 'Unborn babies do not deserve to live if their mother or dad does not want them to interrupt their lives by being born.'
Democrat politicians to the basest of their base: 'Christian conservatives are deplorable and Trump is of the devil.'
ah, comparing abortion with hitler and the kkk.
classic right wing ***** stupidity. lol