The greatest health care system in the world

If it never worked, how can it once again never work ?

Are you saying that the US military, financed by the government never worked ?

Maybe you are right because it has FAILED for the last 40 years.

Comrade Stalin - Socialist Destroyer of the Hitlerite Filth

Is the US military a "mode of production"? No actually it is not. Further, the tanks, equipment, even camos used by the military are all made by... *gasp* private industry! Which is ... *gasp* Capitalism not socialism!

It never worked, and it will not work when we try it again! That's what "once again" it never works, means. This is basic English. Do you understand basic English?
insurance...but yes if they get shot they will get help...but if you needed preventive care or anything, your screwed still. fall and Break a arm, your screwed...anything like that,

So if I fall and break my arm, and go to the ER, they will not help me?
So if I fall and break my arm, and go to the ER, they will not help me?

Yes they absolutely will give you medical attention! Which is why there are ER's that have had to close up all over the country, because of the free service they have provide to millions of illegals that (won't) pay! Which is another reason that public hospitals like the one in Nevada is having problems. I will not say that you won't have to wait a while unless you are bleeding uncontrollably, at which point you may be seen sooner, but you will receive medical attention. My experience is that you also receive that medical attention a lot quicker at a privately run hospital.
insurance...but yes if they get shot they will get help...but if you needed preventive care or anything, your screwed still. fall and Break a arm, your screwed...anything like that,

I'm not sure where you live, but I might would go to a different hospital. Not to mention seek legal action against a hospital that would refuse me medical attention. I myself have only had insurance once in my life, and got tired off paying for it. I'm still a younger man and have had several experiences with the emergency room. I have never be refused medical attention because of not having insurance, and knock on wood I have never been shot. I have however experience a torn I.T. band in my hip, a separated sternum, a partially torn meniscus in my knee, busted my shin open to the bone requiring stitches, elbow to the eye socket requiring stitches above the eye, and a allergic reaction. All of which as fate would have it happened on the weekend! Never once was I refused attention, but more than once did I have to wait for a while behind people of questionable legal status. Not only that but I paid for each of the trips, and didn't leave the hospital holding the bag. Not only that but they were willing set up a payment plan for some of the more expensive trips, and reduced the price if I would pay in cash or a cashiers check. This liberal "scare tactic" of being refuse medical attention is overly exaggerated!
I saw a few days ago a stat that showed that about 1.4 of the people in my state dont have health care right now. figure thats not hard to bleive with unemployment at like 10% in areas of the nation. but its the best health care system for the rest...unless you count the rest of us paying more then we can afford and then having to sue to get anything actuly done with it later.

If Big Rob was correct you meant to say 1/4th.

But in fact 100% of the people in the US have access to health care one way or another. After all there is always public aid. There is also the possibility of paying for it oneself.
insurance...but yes if they get shot they will get help...but if you needed preventive care or anything, your screwed still. fall and Break a arm, your screwed...anything like that,

Medicaid provides preventive care.

So does paying for it yourself.

Or asking a charity for help.

Or going into debt until you can pay for it.

These and others are actually good solutions for preventive care.

Now for catastrophic care insurance is the best solution. And insurance premiums for catastrophic care are actually quite reasonable. Insurance premiums only get expensive when one wants to include preventive care and care for ever medical concern one might have but could pay for without insurance; that is when one treats insurance as a medical buyers club rather than as insurance.
I'm not sure where you live, but I might would go to a different hospital. Not to mention seek legal action against a hospital that would refuse me medical attention. I myself have only had insurance once in my life, and got tired off paying for it. I'm still a younger man and have had several experiences with the emergency room. I have never be refused medical attention because of not having insurance, and knock on wood I have never been shot. I have however experience a torn I.T. band in my hip, a separated sternum, a partially torn meniscus in my knee, busted my shin open to the bone requiring stitches, elbow to the eye socket requiring stitches above the eye, and a allergic reaction. All of which as fate would have it happened on the weekend! Never once was I refused attention, but more than once did I have to wait for a while behind people of questionable legal status. Not only that but I paid for each of the trips, and didn't leave the hospital holding the bag. Not only that but they were willing set up a payment plan for some of the more expensive trips, and reduced the price if I would pay in cash or a cashiers check. This liberal "scare tactic" of being refuse medical attention is overly exaggerated!

I would like to give you an opportunity to tell us more.

Do you think the cost of paying for all of these was less than the cost of premiums?

Do you think you should be counted as uninsured when politicians make the case that the public should pay for your care?