The Government backed counter protestors

Stray Bullet

Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2024
Here’s how it works. The counter protestors (who are mostly Trump supporters) start fights and create violence and the cops won’t interfere at this point. Then once they’ve cleared the cops come to brutalize the Palestine protestors who are the ones that are peaceful. Then the media says the protests became violent without saying it was the counter protestors who started it so that Americans are manipulated into thinking the anti-genocide cause is bad.
Here’s how it works. The counter protestors (who are mostly Trump supporters) start fights and create violence and the cops won’t interfere at this point. Then once they’ve cleared the cops come to brutalize the Palestine protestors who are the ones that are peaceful. Then the media says the protests became violent without saying it was the counter protestors who started it so that Americans are manipulated into thinking the anti-genocide cause is bad.
Nothing like a bloody good conspiracy.
No that’s how it’s going down. You’re siding with Trump supporters disguising themselves as zionists. Congratulations.
Trump is behind anti-Israel violence according to you? Tell the truth. Are you really Hillary only pretending to be someone else with a new anti-Trump conspiracy theory?


Who are the police arresting if not the pro-Hamas, anti-Jew students, and gangsters?
They’re arresting peaceful protestors and giving agitators a free pass to start violence so that they can shut it down. They’re all goons in on it together in this situation the cops and the thugs.
They’re arresting peaceful protestors and giving agitators a free pass to start violence so that they can shut it down. They’re all goons.
At any rate, Democrats are about done with the paid rioters and agitators and have put out the word that the anarchists will not be allowed within 4 miles of the Democrat convention in Chicago this summer.