Is the term "Progressive Socialism" as reference to PROUT standard at all universities, or just at the University of Phoenix online?
Hah. Yeah I guess so, maybe I should have attend a real school, like UAB medical, where I could've gotten my EMS licensure, or UAH (one of the leading CS/engineering schools in the US) I should've gone there for my undergrad. Or maybe I could have completed my graduate studies at UT/Knox in something cool like Forensic Anthropology/Osteology. I might have even had a PhD by now if I hadn't wasted all my time working at McDonald's and taking part-time courses at the Uni of Phoenix.
To address this however, let me mention that the Sarkar coined the term himself and his organization began in the mid fifties. I think he is given the license due to prior art. You can't just can't decide that it no longer means what it has for 60 years.
Ah, democratic socialism, could've SWORN you said progressive. My bad.
You suffer from foot in mouth disease... Which is probably why once your mouth is full, you try to speak out of your anus. At least that explains the verbal diarrhea.
Since you said I don't cite what your inability to correctly understand words, let me point out the misuse of the English idiom 'foot in mouth.' This usually refers to saying something that ends up being an embarrassing situation. I don't feel I've done this and it is pretty much a self-applied title, so perhaps you should go find some other attempt at humorous detraction.
I do think that this is digressing to the point of childish remarks on your behalf, although I should probably expect no less.
I notice you didn't cite any specific examples...
Citations are not required when I've been pointing them out this whole thread. If you cannot remember, reread my posts.
It's you who doesn't know the difference between the trade deficit and the federal deficit
I didn't continue to argue with you once I realized you meant [federal] deficit when you said deficit. If you feel that just because I made a mistake and acknowledged it that it invalidates anything else I say, that isn't how things work.
You on the other hand post stupid photoshops that are little more than trite regurgitations of nonsense rightwing key-notes, as if that in any manner supports your arguments.