The cream off the top of any money and supplies trucked into Gaza go to Hamas, their fighters, and their efforts before any civilians get anything.
yes helping starving people in gaza will help hamas somewhat. but the alternative is worse.
The cream off the top of any money and supplies trucked into Gaza go to Hamas, their fighters, and their efforts before any civilians get anything.
He's right your left wing lies and support of terrorists and your hate for Jews are all bvious
Maybe you do have a workable plan for getting aid to innocent Palestinians without hurting innocent Jews or helping guilty Palestinians. You could try contacting the Jewish embassy to present your ideas to them.yes helping starving people in gaza will help hamas somewhat. but the alternative is worse.
Good arguments with support from other good arguments serve as examples of "proof."the "lies" you can never prove, liar. lol
I never said there was a perfect plan ***** but you are Incredibly hateful if you want innocent people to starve because somehow it might help somebody elseMaybe you do have a workable plan for getting aid to innocent Palestinians without hurting innocent Jews or helping guilty Palestinians. You could try contacting the Jewish embassy to present your ideas to them.
He claims I lie all the time he should be able to post one of my supposed it many lies and show why it is a lie but he never even tries because he's a cowardly liarGood arguments with support from other good arguments serve as examples of "proof."
: the process or an instance of establishing the validity of a statement especially by derivation from other statements in accordance with principles of reasoning![]()
Definition of PROOF
the cogency of evidence that compels acceptance by the mind of a truth or a fact; the process or an instance of establishing the validity of a statement especially by derivation from other statements in accordance with principles of reasoning; experience… See the full
Yes I have proven you to being a liar several time . You just keep lying and denying as you just did the other day claiming biden did not send condolences to Iran for the butcher of Teran death. You and the dying bird Pheonix bot said he didn't . You deny you have called all constatives here for the most part gay and say we are all obsessed with you . And s much more .the "lies" you can never prove, liar. lol
Go back and read that thread ***** I never addressed the question of what Biden said I was questioning your claim about what the people of Iran said you are so stupidYes I have proven you to being a liar several time . You just keep lying and denying as you just did the other day claiming biden did not send condolences to Iran for the butcher of Teran death. You and the dying bird Pheonix bot said he didn't . You deny you have called all constatives here for the most part gay and say we are all obsessed with you . And s much more .
You constantly lie and twist the truth and deny the truth , So stop claiming you do not lie and I have never proven it as I have many times.
Are you related to Biden or trump because you lie just like they do,
You mentined the black panthers as you did before and asked for names and numbers . And you always claim liberal groups like BLM and antifa are not really violent or anti American t which is another lie .Go back and read that thread ***** I never addressed the question of what Biden said I was questioning your claim about what the people of Iran said you are so stupid
You mentined the black panthers as you did before and asked for names and numbers . And you always claim liberal groups like BLM and antifa are not really violent or anti American t which is another lie .
YOUR questing my claim the call him the butcher of Iran . lol your a ***** you cloud look it up but noon your fingers are busy doing something else ,You were basically denying the black panthers were just what I claimed they are hell you dumb ass the old black panthers want nothinggto do with them claiming they are raciest and to prone to violence .
Maybe one day you will wise up dumb ass . I have told you and others my family is mixed race and I have grew up along with a lot of nonfamily black people also and understand the community far better then you *****.
And as for Iranians calling him the butcher Of Teran . only a liberal ***** would expect me to prove it when its been all over the news and with a few key strokes its easy to prove your self . It also give you a chance to prove me wrong but your not to good at that.
Your head is so far up bidens ass I bet you could wink at him when he brushes his teeth.
You do not like it when joe screws up and you hate it you want him to be something other then what he is just like Boris and gabe you deny the truth.
Hell lug nut I have admitted when Im wrong I even apologized to you one or 2 times But I have yet to see one liberal here admit they are wrong or apologize.
and you lie so much and deny it its comical lug nut . Seriously do you comprehend what a butt sucking partisan butt hole ***** you are ?
Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi, known for brutal crackdowns against political opposition, dies at 63
Raisi, a hard-line conservative cleric, helped escalate military tensions around Europe and the Middle East and oversaw strict enforcement of women’s dress
I believe he has met the threshold of proof by providing logical arguments supported by other logical arguments from others.He claims I lie all the time he should be able to post one of my supposed it many lies and show why it is a lie but he never even tries because he's a cowardly liar
I believe he has met the threshold of proof by providing logical arguments supported by other logical arguments from others.
Everything has already been sufficiently proved so there is no further need to cater to the whinings of miserable leftists who can never be satisfied no matter how many facts are dumped into their disgruntled laps.quote the claimed lie of mine and the proof its a lie.
so you can't quote a single lie with proof. lol.Everything has already been sufficiently proved so there is no further need to cater to the whinings of miserable leftists who can never be satisfied no matter how many facts are dumped into their disgruntled laps.
Your horse is dead. You can stop beating you can't quote a single lie with proof. lol.
you morons are so predictable