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I am a grumpy old man, to keep my blood flowing, I often listen to Sean
Hannity. Sean always mentions Obamas promise to cut the deficit in half.
That always gets my blood boiling.
Didn't brain-dead Reagan promise a balanced budget by 1984?
On the day of the second presidential debate, media whore Tom Brokaw
said Obama will have to answer for his trillion dollar deficits.
Lets see what caused these deficits.
Like Clinton sez, it's only math.
Bush also left more than 500 billion dollars in existing deficits.
So Bush slithered back to Texas, leaving Obama stuck with three
and one half trillion dollars in deficits over 4 years.
As can be seen the collapse of the bush supply side scam resulted
in revenues coming in almost three trillion dollars
less than the bush balanced budget projections.
Spending came in about one and one half trillion above the bush balanced
budget projections.
Blame the Irish guy for spending
three trillion dollars that he never got.
For Republicans, Lying is a way of life.
Much of the spending increase was the result of the Bush recession that
lost almost nine million jobs.
The recession caused large increases in Medicaid, Social Security
retirements, food stamps, and Unemployment compensation.
Outside of the stimulus there was very little spending due to
bills passed by Obama.
The bottom line is when Republicans claim that Obamas spending has totaled five
trillion dollars, THEY ARE LYING. Period.
It,s simple math. Total spending only increased one and a half trillion dollars.
Revenue declined by three trillion dollars.
Obama couldn't spend money that he never got.
The deficit is mostly the result of falling revenue. PERIOD.
The failure of the Bush supply side scam.
For Republicans, Lying is a way of life.
-----Bluecoller, the grumpy old kraut-----
Hannity. Sean always mentions Obamas promise to cut the deficit in half.
That always gets my blood boiling.
Didn't brain-dead Reagan promise a balanced budget by 1984?
On the day of the second presidential debate, media whore Tom Brokaw
said Obama will have to answer for his trillion dollar deficits.
Lets see what caused these deficits.
Like Clinton sez, it's only math.
February 4, 2008.
In my 2009 Budget, I have set clear priorities that will help us meet our
Nation’s most pressing needs while addressing the long-term challenges
ahead. With pro-growth policies and spending discipline, we will balance
the budget in 2012, keep the tax burden low, and provide for our national
security. And that will help make our country safer and more prosperous.
February 4, 2008
Bush Balanced
Budget Baseline
2009 . ...Projected.....Actual ....Difference
Receipts...2,700 .......2,105 .....-595
Outlays....3,107 .......3,518 .....+411
Deficit .....-407 ......-1,413
2010 . ...Projected.....Actual ....Difference
Receipts...2,931 .......2,163 .....-768
Outlays....3,091 .......3,456 .....+365
Deficit .....-160 ......-1,293
2011 . ...Projected.....Actual ....Difference
Receipts...3,076 .......2,304 .....-772
Outlays....3,171 .......3,603 .....+432
Deficit ......-95 ......-1.300
2012 . ...Projected.....Actual ....Difference
Receipts...3,270 .......2,450 .....-820
Outlays....3,222 .......3,540 .....+318
Deficit ......+48 .......1,090
Deficit .-1,413 .-1.293 .-1.300 .-1,090 =-5.096
Receipts ..-595 ...-768 ...-772 ...-820 =-2.955
Outlays ...+411 ,.,+365 ...+432 ...+318 =+1.526
Bush also left more than 500 billion dollars in existing deficits.
So Bush slithered back to Texas, leaving Obama stuck with three
and one half trillion dollars in deficits over 4 years.
As can be seen the collapse of the bush supply side scam resulted
in revenues coming in almost three trillion dollars
less than the bush balanced budget projections.
Spending came in about one and one half trillion above the bush balanced
budget projections.
Blame the Irish guy for spending
three trillion dollars that he never got.
For Republicans, Lying is a way of life.
Much of the spending increase was the result of the Bush recession that
lost almost nine million jobs.
The recession caused large increases in Medicaid, Social Security
retirements, food stamps, and Unemployment compensation.
Outside of the stimulus there was very little spending due to
bills passed by Obama.
National Defense:
2008 ---616,073
2012 ---676.687 ___+60.614
2008 ---247,739
2012 ---364.755 ___+117.016
2008 ---390,758
2012 ---499.284 ___+108.526
Unemployment compensation:
2008 ---45,340
2012 --107.080 ___+61.740
Food and nutrition assistance:
2008 ---60,673
2012 --114.975 ___+54.302
Social Security:
2008 --617,027
2012 --781.172 ___+164.145
Total ------------+566.225
The bottom line is when Republicans claim that Obamas spending has totaled five
trillion dollars, THEY ARE LYING. Period.
It,s simple math. Total spending only increased one and a half trillion dollars.
Revenue declined by three trillion dollars.
Obama couldn't spend money that he never got.
The deficit is mostly the result of falling revenue. PERIOD.
The failure of the Bush supply side scam.
For Republicans, Lying is a way of life.

-----Bluecoller, the grumpy old kraut-----